Do you use Free Download Manager?
Do you use Free Download Manager?
J'avais essayé avant de restaurer mais vu le peu d'espace gagné je n'ai pas réessayé ensuite, d'autant plus qu'il me semblait que c'était du à d'anciennes installations de logiciels et non pas à Vista en lui-même.Tu as pu utiliser Winxslite du coup ?
Je pense que oui, quel est le meilleur moyen pour obtenir la mi...Est-ce que ça ne vaudrait pas le coup de mettre à jour vers W7 directement ?
Hello, We will have a deeper look on what may cause those redirections, can you please follow thoses instructions :
With that log, we will be abl...
Sinon, rien de spécial à signaler. L'intérieur de l'ordinateur est propre ?
Pour Defraggler, tu as pu le passer après avoir étendu la partition ?
If I can retrieve anything I'll post it up. There was nothing in my adwCleaner folders except a reference to 'Xplode', not sure if that was something to do with anything.
TzinProblems, 2016-03-01 22:02:31 (UTC)
To be sure, we can take a look if you want.
ZHPDiag is a software which retrieve a few informations on the system (such as installed software, configuration..). It requires ...
I clicked on a springfiles virus searching for "modensa cot instructions". Doh!
My first clean has the following log. I have cleaned several times since and it says I am clean. But I am still getting lots of redirects and occasional Chrome freezing whilst I am asked to call the Microsoft certified technician.
Thanks in advance.
# AdwCleaner v5.036 - Logfile created 27/02/2016 at 23:10:23
# ...
I'm not an incredibly experienced user in downloading new applications etc.
Today (Tuesday 1st March I was working on a problem with my new (first time) website that I built yesterday using Siteground as the host organisation and Wordpress. I found today that my home page had published to the internet, but not the other pages. I spoke to the tehcnical support people (in Bulgaria ? ) who were...
I'm not an incredibly experienced user in downloading new appications etc.
Today (Tuesday 1st March I was working on a problem with my new (first time) website that I built yesterday using Siteground as the hosrt organisaiton and Wordpress. I found today that my home page had published to the internet, but not the other pages. I spoke to the tehcnical support people (in Bugaria ? ) who were ...
Hello, I downloaded a new copy from Bleepingcomputer and ran the program again this morning. During the run the progress slider stopped at approximately 1/4 of the away across with the wording, I believe, saying "searching for generic elements". It stayed that way for approximately 5 and one-half minutes and (not responding) showing across the top edge of the program. Suddenly the (not respondi...
Hello fr33tux
La DEFRAGMENTATION DU Disk Dur C\ EST FINIE (il est encore fragmenté à 4%) , duré 2jours et quelques heures (je n'ai pas pris le temps de défragmenter la partition D\ , l'ordinateur portable est plus vif , la sourie tactile fonctionnait même tout à l'heure , mais ce n'est plus le cas mainternant, j'ai aussi désisntallé ESET Online Scanner v3 , 360 TOTAL...