Re: ADW claener ne supprime pas les virus


Pouvez-vous relancer AdwCleaner, faire une analyse.

Puis, dans l'onglet "Dossiers", cherchez l'élément "C:\Users\tom\AppData\Local\Rocket" et cochez-le.

Effectuez un nettoyage ensuite.

Adwcleaner Scans but does not respond to cleaning after scan on Win10x64

Just did with a copy and paste of initial message + link to upload.


Hello Admin, 

I'm sorry my initial mail did not come with precise clarity, Sign-in barrier issues with the upload site. 

For sake of clarity, I have been trying to run Adwcleaner on Win10 64bit PC all day. I read here on the forum that you'll require a log file for its resolution. Will what I've sent suffice ?

My PC...

Re: Does not Work


Hello Admin, 

I'm sorry my initial mail did not come with precise clarity, Sign-in barrier issues with the upload site. 

For sake of clarity, I have been trying to run Adwcleaner on Win10 64bit PC all day. I read here on the forum that you'll require a log file for its resolution. Will what I've sent suffice ?

My PC has been taken over by ads, please help.


aadebayo, 2016...

Re: Does not Work

Hello Admin, 

I'm sorry my initial mail did not come with precise clarity, Sign-in barrier issues with the upload site. 

For sake of clarity, I have been trying to run Adwcleaner on Win10 64bit PC all day. I read here on the forum that you'll require a log file for its resolution. Will what I've sent suffice ?

My PC has been taken over by ads, please help.

See link:

Re: ADWCleaner not responding during cleaning on Windows 10 64bit



@shy_owl: do you confirm the clean is successfull if you uncheck the elements in the "services" tab prior cleaning ?

Re: Detects but does not clean -- Infolinks in Chrome Browser


Can you share the generated logfiles ? Usually from C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[Cxx].txt

Best regards,

Clefs suspectes ou FP


Sous Seven_64 avec version 6.020

# AdwCleaner v6.020 - Rapport créé le 20/09/2016 à 22:41:40

# Mis à jour le 14/09/2016 par ToolsLib # Base de données : 2016-09-20.3 [Serveur]

# Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (X64)

# Nom d'utilisateur : ALAIN - ALAIN-PC

# Exécuté depuis : C:\AdwCleaner\adwcleaner_6.020.exe

# Mode: Scan

# Support : https://toolsli...

Re: Résultats AdwCleaner tronqués - non affichés.

Bjr fr33tux, c'est très juste, le rapport mentionne effectivement ces points. Merci et à bientôt.


ps : où et comment indiqué le sujet résolu et/ou clos ?