Edge is currently supported alongside Internet Explorer. If they come to really differ we may handled them separately in the future.
Edge is currently supported alongside Internet Explorer. If they come to really differ we may handled them separately in the future.
hi & thank you for your tool. is there any documented way to submit malicious samples to be included in future detection?
madperson, 2015-09-08 19:05:31 (UTC)
Nevertheless, don't hesitate to use this forum for submitting feedbacks.
Je n'ai pas pu vous répondre aussi rapidement que je l'aurais souhaité mais je m'en charge sous 24h..
Désolé !
J'ai aussi l'impression que vous vous servez d'Internet Explorer en tant que navigateur. Si c'est le cas, je recommande que vous activer le mode "Toujours dans Internet Explorer sur le bureau", tel que décrit ici: http://www.pcastuces.com/pratique/astuces/3636.htm
la j'attends le retour de FR33tux
panise, 2015-09-06 17:58:24 (UTC)
fr33tux n'aura sans doute pas le temps de répondre tout de suite.
Not sure about file restore function, but if you are desperate to recover files I have found this tool to be effective (I am not affiliated with them.) www.stellarinfo.com/partition-recovery-software.php
Hi / Salut,
2 détections :
***** [ Fichiers ] *****
Fichier Trouvé : C:\WINDOWS\Sysnative\drivers\mcaudrv_x64.sys Fichier
Trouvé : C:\WINDOWS\Sysnative\drivers\mcvidrv.sys
Virustotal :
I have downloaded the adwcleaner.exe from this website, but after I install the .exe and try to click scan,
I get the pop up saying the database files are corrupt and to uninstall and download again. I have tried
this 3 times and I keep getting the same thing? What can I do?
Greetings madperson,
sorry we currently haven't any solution to offer for that kind of request but that's a good feature which could be added in the future.