Re: submit samples

dans AdwCleaner par ****

in particular i wanted to raise awareness about some firefox adware/malware which is showing up rather frequently as an addon with a randomized id and name which hides itself from the addons manager which is going undetected at the moment.

you can find some samples of the amlicious addon's .xpi file attached at

Probably FP

dans AdwCleaner par ****

Hi / Salut,

2 détections :

***** [ Fichiers ] *****

Fichier Trouvé : C:\WINDOWS\Sysnative\drivers\mcaudrv_x64.sys Fichier
Trouvé : C:\WINDOWS\Sysnative\drivers\mcvidrv.sys

Virustotal :

HP Client Security Manager détecté par AdwCleaner. Faux positif ?

dans AdwCleaner par ubikuity


Je viens de faire un scan de ma machine avec AdwCleaner et le rapport d'analyse me dit : "Fichier Trouvé : C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ncffjdbbodifgldkcbhmiiljfcnbgjab"

En regardant le contenu de ce dossier, je vois que c'est l'extension pour Google Chrome du logiciel "HP Client Security Manager". Extrait du contenu du fichier C:\Us...

Re: Adwcleaner White listing

dans AdwCleaner par M-K-D-B


UVK_en.exe belongs to UltraVirusKiller.

The developer of UltraVirusKiller has stolen the databases from JRT and AdwCleaner.

I would never use a software where the developer steals the databases of other softwares in order to improve this own tool.

So why should the process from such a fake tool be whitelisted?


Re: Malware ?

dans AdwCleaner par M-K-D-B

Hi pguilb75,

according to a little research I did, HKLM\Software\classes\SDP seems to be related to Adware.Somoto-group.

Can you post the full logfile of AdwCleaner (C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[Sx].txt), please?

[FR] - Documentation AdwCleaner

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux

Documentation d'AdwCleaner v6.

Valide pour la version 6.043

Interface d'AdwCleaner


AdwCleaner est un outil visant à supprimer adware (programmes publicitaires), PUP/LPIs (programmes potentiellement indésirables), toolbar (barres d'outils greffées au navigateur), hijacker (détournement de la page de démarrage du navigateur)... Cette documentation a pour but de détailler les différentes possibilités d'...

[EN] - AdwCleaner documentation

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux

AdwCleaner v6 documentation.

Valid only for AdwCleaner v6.x

AdwCleaner interface



AdwCleaner is a tool aiming to remove adware (ads software), PUP/LPIs (Potentially Undesirable Program), toolbar, hijacker (hijack of the browser's homepage), ...

It's compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, each of them in both 32 & 64 bits.

This documentation aims to details how to use the software.


Re: Should i click clean button?

Greetings :)

Hi all, i got a simple question, maybe it's stupid, but I would like to know. I notice that when AdwCLeaner ends scan, the "Cleaning" button it is clickable, even it's not found anything. Simple as that, I'd like to know if i should press button anyway, or i can exit program? I write this because i remember that until very recently, when AdwCleaner found nothing, the Cleaning but...

HELP [How do I make Adw clean Opera browser?]

dans AdwCleaner par ****

I really need help. When I do AdwCleaner's scan it doesn't scan for adware in Opera, the web browser I use. It only does chrom and firefox, how do I fix this???