dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux



So, please do the following:

  1. Download the file fixlist.txt and save it as "fixlist.txt" to the Desktop or where FRST is located.

NOTE. It's important that both files, FRST/FRST64 and fixlist.txt are in the same location or the fix will not work.

NOTICE: This script was written specifically for this user, for use on that particular machine. Running this on another machine may ...

Re: Enter Netstat Stolen Internet Packages

dans ADS par ultimate007

I realized that certain companies were spying on me and stole internet packages ,

luckily yesterday I could fix it. had modified the registry for these spies .

solve it with adwcleaner , find and repair the registry.

I use google translator sorry for my English. thanks for this page. :D

Keep getting autoit error

dans AdwCleaner par ****

I keep getting an error that pops up near the end when I'm scanning. I've tried running it as an admin but the same thing keeps happening. I ran a debug report after reading some some other threads however I'm at a loss on what the problem could be.  The error says it's line 14856

2016-09-08 13:04:44 :     <INFO>    [main] - Saving current options to the configuration file 2016-09-08 13:04:46 ...

Re: Error message: This app can't run on your PC,

dans AdwCleaner par bobbles
Doesn't appear my reply made it thru in it's entirety. Here it is again: 1) 2)

Re: Error message: This app can't run on your PC,

dans AdwCleaner par bobbles
1) 2)

Re: After upgrade august problems with Logmein

dans AdwCleaner par hahadmin

I don't know what happened but I used it on 7 different computers today and everything worked fine. So it looks like te problem is gone. The topic can be closed. However, if i have the same problem again I will let you know. Thank for your help.

Re: No entries shown

2016-09-06 23:23:14 :      <INFO> [main] - Saving current options to the configuration file

2016-09-06 23:23:19 :      <WARN>              [main.gui] - Deleting temporary files before exiting

2016-09-06 23:23:19 :      <WARN>              [main.gui] - >>>> EXITING <<<<

2016-09-06 23:23:30 :      INFO      [main] - >>>> STARTING <<<<

2016-09-06 23:23:30 :      INFO      [main] - RAM Usage: 4...

Re: Supprimé MPC Cleaner


@Mario2245: Pour rappel, nous ne sommes que bénévoles qui aidons durant notre temps libre, en parallèle de nos autres activités. Et quelques fois, ça arrive effectivement de ne pas pouvoir répondre dans l'heure. Si vous pensez-être oublié, vous pouvez simplement relancer poliment, ou sinon attendre un peu le temps que l'on puisse vous répondre.

Merci Destrio5 :)

Re: After upgrade august problems with Logmein

dans AdwCleaner par hahadmin

There are two files. First the one of 8.52 AM

# AdwCleaner v6.010 - Logbestand aangemaakt 06/09/2016 op 08:52:48 # *Updated on 12/08/2016 by ToolsLib # Gebruik lokale database : 2016-08-24.2 [Lokaal] # Besturingssysteem : Windows 10 Home  (X64) # Gebruikersnaam : Test - W10-HAH-TEST-PC # Gestart vanuit : C:\Users\Test\Downloads\AdwCleaner.exe # *Mode: Scan # Ondersteuning :