software inoperable

dans AdwCleaner par earle.

I downloade malwarebytes adwcleaner today. After downloading I was prompted to click on logfiles. I did so but nothing happened and I could not proceed.  Why did that happen and whar does that mean?

Re: Problème infection récalcitrance

Voici les liens :

Re: Problème infection récalcitrance

Bonjour, juste une question la ligne suivante appartient a un LPI


C:\Program Files (x86)\Firefox

Re: Problème infection récalcitrance

Bonjour, c'est de ma faute je télecharge des logiciels crack pour les analyser avec VirusTotal pour voir si malwarebytes les détectes (si il les détecte pas, je les soumez sur le forum de malwarebytes).

J'utilise panda cloud.


Voici le rapport :

Re: Adwcleaner freezes when attempting to remove UCguard and UCguard.sys

dans AdwCleaner par regist

1) Please careful open this file in Notepad copy and paste here its content


2) Download fixlist.txt file and save it to the Desktop.

NOTE. It's important that both files, FRST/FRST64 and fixlist.txt are in the same location or the fix will not work.

NOTICE: This script was written specifically for this user, for use on that particular machine. Running thi...


Dear developers,

I am using software that is a P2P software and AdwCleaner delete everything related to it, but I need them

Is it possible to whitelist them


Here the log file regarding these files that I had to exclude manually


***** [ Folders ] *****

[!] Folder not deleted: C:\Users\Filippo\AppData\LocalLow\.acestream [!] Folder not deleted: C:\Users\Filippo\Ap...

Wise Registry Cleaner detecté comme menace

dans AdwCleaner par yo75

Salut à tous,

Je viens de faire l'analyse avec la version adwcleaner_6.044.

Résultat: 5 menaces détectées, toutes concernant le programme Wise Registry Cleaner.

***** [ Dossiers ] *****

Dossier trouvé:  C:\Users\jean\AppData\Roaming\Wise Registry Cleaner Dossier trouvé:  C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Wise Registry Cleaner Dossier trouvé:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Wise\W...

Re: Problems with adwcleaner

dans AdwCleaner par iarunner

I had already tried CCleaner and uninstalling but I never knew about the advanced settings. Removing all the temp files seems to have fixed it. Thank you very much.