Re: Cannot uninstall adwcleaner

That’s not necessary. AdwCleaner does not  “install” anything more than what I listed above. Hence why you don’t ever need to go to add/remove programs on the Windows Control Panel in order to “uninstall” the software.

To be more precise, the AdwCleaner executable is portable. It just creates an extra folder at the following location C:\AdwCleaner.

Re: Cannot uninstall adwcleaner


Do you mean C:\AdwCleaner is still present after running the "Uninstall" process?


ADWCleaner sans souris

Bonjour. Ayant un bug de souris je souhaite utiliser adwcleaner au clavier.

Je bloque à la validation des conditions (I agree)

Je suis preneur de toute solution

Un Grand merci


Re: AdwCleaner has stopped working


Just ran it again this morning and it still fails.  I did not do a dump, but it looks like it stopped in the same area.

pjbinchrist, 2018-02-26 16:11:33 (UTC)

As I wrote earlier, AdwCleaner 7.1 should fix this issue.

In my precedent message, I was talking about downloading issues - that should be resolved now.


Re: ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly


The issue with download managers is known and will be resolved at the end of the week. In the meantime, please avoid using any download manager while downloading AdwCleaner - it should then work as expected.

To be more precise, this is related to parallel download feature (in Chrome, since version 64) and some other download managers.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Re: Adwcleaner ne se lance pas

Pouvez-vous essayer cette manipulation dans un premier temps :

Est-ce mieux en désactivant la Protection Web ? Vous pouvez la désactiver par un clic droit en bas à droite de la barre des tâches sur l'icône Malwarebytes puis "Protection Web : activée".

cocochepeau, 2018-02-18 09:58:50 (UTC)


Re: Version AdwCleander

I activated a function on my Chrome through the link - chrome://flags/  called - parallel-download.  

This is what affected the AdwCleaner download.

The funny thing is that this only affected your program. 


All employees of the company where I work have the same problem because they have enabled this function in their browsers. That's why I wrote "many people" earlier.

I'm sorry for th...

Re: Eliminer action TASK HOST WINDOW


N'hésitez pas à revenir si jamais vous avez besoin de plus de précisions.


Re: Adwcleaner Command Line interface -version CLI


Bravo encore pour tout le travail accompli.

et le rapprochament avec Malwaresbytes.

Je reviens au sujet de la CLI pour adwcleaner.

Y a t il du nouveau?

je suis desole, mais j'ai un peu "de la suite dans les idees" un an après.

J'aime beaucoup Adwcleaner, et j'aimerais pourvoir l'utilser avec des batchs.

M E R C I :-)


Re: Eliminer action TASK HOST WINDOW

Merci pour la réponse. Ce problème survient de manière aléatoire.

je le résolvais jusqu'à présent en pratiquant un redémarrage du PC.

Je vais attendre qu'il se représente pour appliquer votre solution.

merci encore.
