rstassociations-version-scr_1.3.scr ne se lance pas sur Windows 8.1


J'ai téléchargé le fichier rstassociations-version-scr_1.3.scr afin de tenter de résoudre mon problème de non lancement de tous mes fichiers en extension .exe.

Le résultat est :

" Windows ne trouve pas 'C:\Users\asuspc\DownIoads\rstassociations-\rersien-scr_1.3.scr'. Verífiez que vous avez entré le nom correct, puis réessayez."

Ce message est identique à celui que je reçois lors d...

How to remove fiber.js ?


Since a 3 month I got a messag from fiber.js on my screen.

How can this be removed, obviously it is malware. If I scan it wiith latest version of Adware I get the message that no infected programs or files have been found.

Who knows the solution?

How to remove fiber.js ?

dans AdsFix par Hoangnguyen


Since a 3 month I got a messag from fiber.js on my screen.

How can this be removed, obviously it is malware. If I scan it wiith latest version of Adware I get the message that no infected programs or files have been found.

Who knows the solution?

Re: pc 1: problêmes avec sound device error, SmartScreen, Zalman ZM-VE350 & Sandisk Connect Stick de 180 Go

I have also been facing some of the above-mentioned issues. Would really appreciate if someone could help me out with these.


Re: 7.4.0

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Sorry for the delay.

Can you share a screenshot of what you see?


Re: cookie control


Can you give us more details, screenshots, ..? It would be very helpful.


English translation

dans WinUpdateFix par Rake

Would Xplode be interested in english translation of his applications?  I use this one alot at my job and I recommended this to a co-worker and he didn't want to use it because it was in french.

Took me a while to translate it / recompile it but I'm 90% done fixing it up in English.

Is this something you'd be interested in?  Here's a screenshot

EssentialPIM Stopped Working After Android Oreo Update

dans Android par JesseVoss


EssentialPIM was working fine when my Note 8 was running Android Nougat. I happen to receive the latest Android Oreo update today. But now as I will open the app it is only loading a blank screen on its start up and crashes after few secs of inactivity. How am I supposed to this fix error?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

