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on Malwarebytes's page

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on Malwarebytes's page

from stevenhunter, (31 january 2022)

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on Malwarebytes's page

from adrianplaski, (23 december 2021)

In version 4, this changes slightly. The software, which is now a full-fledged antivirus program, is set to register with Security Center by default, which means that when it arrives, Windows Defender is put to sleep. If you absolutely want to use Malwarebytes alongside another antivirus, you may modify a setting to prevent it from registering as the primary antivirus.


on WinChk's page

from aricjoshua, (21 december 2021)

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on mbam2log's page

from Joshua_Galindo, (15 august 2021)

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on NordPass's page

from bazuk, (09 august 2021)

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