Re: Recovery of win 10 system

 Hello Mrmodo ,

Booting problem is common issue which we usually face. There is several issue of booting problem. Some of them is a single corrupt byte on your hard drive, buggy boot driver or missing registry key. Because the master boot record can become corrupt, damage and disappear. There is some manual recovery option like safe mode, start up repair. It these option works it is good for u...

Re: Ai-je besoin d’un VPN ?

Bonjour et bienvenue,

Je vous invite à lire la page Wikipedia parlant des VPN, ici :

Comme énoncé sur la page Wikipedia, l'utilisation d'un VPN permet bon nombre de choses... Tout dépend de votre utilisation. Si vous vous connectez régulièrement en WiFi dans des lieux publics, il est fortement recommandé d'utiliser...

Dead Rising 3 softonic viruses

Dead Rising 3 softonic viruses

I used adwcleaner to clean these viruses but they just keep on returning after boot-up.

Here are the names:

-Registry- [-] Key deleted: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.wiz

-Web browser- [-] [] [Search Provider] Deleted: [-] [] [Search Provider] Delet...

Re: BSOD tcpip.sys? at boot only

Hi there cumdacon,

At the command prompt(admin) type in SCAN /SCANNOW   notice there is a space after SCAN.  At the end of the scan please copy and paste the results in your next reply.  SCANNOW scans your computer for all issues and fixes them if the need be.

Hope this helps.

Warmest Regards,



BSOD tcpip.sys? at boot only

Hi everyone, Hi dear Jerome, I go BSOD (or a simply "total OS hang" > power off) at boot **ONLY**, therefore I have to leave the pc always turned on (with zero problems) since 3 weeks. But I prefer the old behaviour, i.e. shutdown during every night ;) hardware and software are always the same here, since...a lot years. Memory: the long test told me all is ok: I stopped it after the 12th (!) p...

Re: Adwcleaner Command Line interface -version CLI

the only -living- activity here seems to close 3d not in compliance with the -new- malawarebyte's acquisition guidelines..

what a shame..

more then 30 days to have a -minor- update..when it always tooks nearly 15days in the past..

consequently a BIG BUG in the tool here since nearly a YEAR..

and a vers, the 7.1, announced at october 2017..STILL to come

and now a new tool, ZHP cleaner is on...

Re: Adwcleaner Command Line interface -version CLI

this beautiful tool,in the past, now is BUGGED since months..

oh what an infaust day the malawarebyte's acquisition..

bigger fish always eat smaller..

is nature..


Re: Adwcleaner Command Line interface -version CLI


Bravo encore pour tout le travail accompli.

et le rapprochament avec Malwaresbytes.

Je reviens au sujet de la CLI pour adwcleaner.

Y a t il du nouveau?

je suis desole, mais j'ai un peu "de la suite dans les idees" un an après.

J'aime beaucoup Adwcleaner, et j'aimerais pourvoir l'utilser avec des batchs.

M E R C I :-)


Re: PUP \SysNative\drivers\mrxsmb22.sys

SysNative, means System32.

I found it here:


Name                     Size

mrxsmb.22.sys       57 KB



I then tracked it thru Manic Time to the exact time in seconds and found what happened at that time as confirmed adw, installer wnd.

What this was is a fake Cedrick Collomb Portable. Unlocker is only an Install.

Would not delete man...