
on AdwCleaner's page

from dendzjing, (29 june 2014)

can you exclude Program Data\Kaspersky Lab\SafeBrowser from the list of unwanted?
Otherwise: beautiful work; thank you a lot!


on AdwCleaner's page

from Jerry, (08 june 2014)

I found AdwCleaner to be awesome, thank you very much! But I also found that even after running it, if I reinstalled Chrome, the speedial redirect would be reinstalled.

I found the speedial browser redirect also inserts a key into the Windows registry that causes Chrome to reinstall speedial whenever Chrome is reinstalled itself.

Details here:

The key on my Win 7 / 64 machine is


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (29 may 2014)

Je me suis inscrit pour remercier l’auteur de cet outil gratuit simple et efficace qui m’a permis de nettoyer rapidement et sans dommages mon navigateur Firefox de la fenêtre parasite
J’avais nettoyé tout le registry sans sucés.
Bravo et encore merci


on AdwCleaner's page

from Johan, (28 may 2014)

Thanks, i added the software to my website with the official link :


on AdwCleaner's page

from cocochepeau, (24 may 2014)

Bonsoir, puis-je connaître le nom et la version de votre navigateur web?


on AdwCleaner's page

from libeccio42, (19 may 2014)

Help please - I run regularly AdwCleaner (most up to date) and I always find items flagged in Chrome - I click on the clean button and after rebooting I found the following:
# AdwCleaner v3.210 - Report created 19/05/2014 at 13:19:25
# Updated 19/05/2014 by Xplode
# Operating System : Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (64 bits)
# Username : Paulo - PAULO-PC
# Running from : C:\Users\Paulo\Desktop\Clean Up\AdwCleaner.exe
# Option : Clean
***** [ Services ] *****
***** [ Files / Folders ] *****
***** [ Shortcuts ] *****
***** [ Registry ] *****
***** [ Browsers ] *****
-\\ Internet Explorer v0.0.0.0
-\\ Google Chrome v34.0.1847.116
[ File : C:\Users\Paulo\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\preferences ]
Deleted [Search Provider] : hxxp://{searchTerms}
Deleted [Search Provider] : hxxp://{searchTerms}
Deleted [Search Provider] : hxxp://{searchTerms}&a=dsites0103&cd=2XzuyEtN2Y1L1QzuzytDtB0BtAyEtAtC0D0A0ByCyDtB0DzytN0D0Tzu0CyByByDtN1L2XzutBtFtBtFtCyDtFtCyCtAtCtN1L1CzutBtAtDtC1N1R&cr=938586735&ir=
Deleted [Startup_urls] : hxxp://
Deleted [Startup_urls] : hxxp://
AdwCleaner[R47].txt - [1467 octets] - [19/05/2014 13:18:36]
AdwCleaner[S21].txt - [1397 octets] - [19/05/2014 13:19:25]

I assume the Chrome items are delete. I run AdwCleaner again, and they seem to be gone. If I run again AwdCleaner a few hours later, the items are back. Where are they coming from? How can I clean them permanently? I do not have nor Please, help.
Contact at - thanks
########## EOF - C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[S21].txt - [1458 octets] ##########


on AdwCleaner's page

from tof70, (18 may 2014)

Excellent utilitaire de sécurité qui n'a rien à envier aux grosses applications payante de même fonction bien au contraire et de plus, simple d'utilisation, multilingue...etc, en faite que du bonheur pour celles et ceux qui cherche de bons outils de sécurité !!!