@Fleks what anti virus are you rinning? Where did you download World of Warcraft from ?
@Fleks what anti virus are you rinning? Where did you download World of Warcraft from ?
They are not serious but they are annoying! Just be careful what you download and make sure to pay attention to what is checked marked that shouldn't be. PUA's do not track you, etc and are not ad related.
Hope this helps.
the new adw version detected this for me too aswell as the complete world of warcraft beta and just deleted the whole game.
As seen in the title,the new version literally told me my world of warcraft beta would be a "threat" and continued deleting the whole thing making my 20gb download literally a waste of time. Im pretty pretty sure this shouldnt be detected or labeled as a thread or am i missing something? here the log:
# ------------------------------- # Malwarebytes AdwCleaner # ---------------------...
I have removed them and i know everything about the site. I just wanted to know if they are rather serious or just ad related. I remove them at the end of my day when i turn of my pc anyhow so i just wanted to be save in case they do something rather fishy (track keystrokes for example.)
***** [ Tasks ] *****
PUP.Adware.Heuristic C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\FreeDownloadManagerNetworkMonitor
***** [ Registry ] *****
PUP.Adware.Heuristic HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\FreeDownloadManagerNetworkMonitor
Free Download Manager
Pour commencer, bonjour à toi aussi...
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