Re: Adwcleaner ne détecte toujours rien!

Je ne suis pas sûr que les éléments trouvés par ZHPCleaner viennent d'une infection. Je vois "fb", peut-être un lien avec Facebook.

Les éléments se trouvent dans les paramètres de Google Chrome, tu peux le désinstaller proprement puis le réinstaller :

adwcleaner working?


I just downloaded adwcleaner and all I get is a save or run box, I clicked run, box goes empty for about 5 minutes.  Nothing else happens on screen then the empty box says run, again and that's it.  Should I click on the the your download will start shortly, click here???


Re: Adw cleaner problem


Can you share the debug logfile, after the freeze occured?


Re: Adw cleaner problem

I saw from other posts that you nede debug file also so here it is. 

2017-02-14 16:53:55 : 	<INFO>	[main] - Saving current options to the configuration file
2017-02-14 16:53:57 : 	<INFO>	[main.gui] - Scan requested
2017-02-14 16:53:57 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Running from: C:\AdwCleaner
2017-02-14 16:53:57 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 0%
2017-02-14 16:53:57 : 	<INFO>	[database] - Checking for datab...

Adw cleaner problem


After running the scan with ADW Cleaner I tried to delete/clean found infections, but the adw cleaner freezes and stops responding? What to do? Here is the Scan logfile I think.

Thank you !

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found.

***** [ Folders ] *****

Folder Found:  C:\_acestream_cache_

***** [ Files ] *****

No malicious files found.

***** [ DLL ] *****

No mali...

Re: vcruntime140.dll à restaurer


À quel moment avez-vous eu ce message?


Re: AdwCleaner bloque


Pouvez-vous relancer AdwCleaner, cliquer sur Outils > Options et cocher "Debug".

Ensuite, faites une analyse puis un nettoyage jusqu´à ce que le blocage ait lieu. Partagez alors les deux fichiers suivants:

- C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[Sxx].txt

- C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_debug.log


Re: besoin aide pour savoir si c'est une menace


De quelle barre parlez-vous? PaceBarre?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration>     <configSections>         <sectionGroup name="userSettings" type="System.Configuration.UserSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e457" >             <section name="PECECEECECECE.My.MySettings" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection...

vcruntime140.dll à restaurer

suite au téléchargement de kasperski manager j'ai eu le message " impossible de mettre en service vcruntime140.dll défectueux".

comment faire?

Pop optional problem

I found out I have malware or spyware on my PC.  I have Malwarebytes Premium and have ran that but it still doesnt do the trick.  After googling the problem I realize I need to go to this site (Toolslib) to download adwcleaner so I download that, run it, it comes up with 9-14 pieces of spy/mal/ransommare.  Adwcleaner fixed that problem (supposedly) then reboots my PC but I still have the issue ...

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