Springiles / esurf.biz adware

I clicked on a springfiles virus searching for "modensa cot instructions". Doh!

My first clean has the following log. I have cleaned several times since and it says I am clean. But I am still getting lots of redirects and occasional Chrome freezing whilst I am asked to call the Microsoft certified technician.

Thanks in advance.

# AdwCleaner v5.036 - Logfile created 27/02/2016 at 23:10:23
# ...

Re: Unable to remove some adware


Sorry for the delay.

We'll try to use MBAM hoping it will remove all elements I found in the logfile. Otherwise, we'll remove them "manually" :



  • Download MalwareBytes Anti Malware here.
  • Launch MalwareByte's Anti Malware from your desktop
  • Click on the tab Settings -> Detection & Protection -> PUP/PUM and check "Treat these detections like malware".
  • Tab Exam choose Threats, clic...

Re: Missed remnants

If they think "Uninstall" button uninstalls the detected adware, it's that :

1) The helper didn't give clear instructions

2) They didn't read the documentation

Translation will be updated in v5.037.


Re: Missed remnants

on AdwCleaner by ****

I get your point, but I've seen some users think that the "Uninstall" button uninstalls the detected adware.


These ones:

$L_LOCAL = "Lokalny"

$L_SERVER = "serwer"

Should be:

$L_LOCAL = "lokalna"

$L_SERVER = "z serwera"


Re: Missed remnants

on AdwCleaner by ****

I tried the test version you posted in another topic and I see it includes in the updated translation. Thanks again!

But was there any particular of keeping "Uninstall" intact? I think it would be better if it says "Uninstall AdwCleaner" because some people may think this button uninstalls adware. Are there are any text length issues? No way to display the "Uninstall" and "AdwCleaner" words in...

Re: Unable to remove some adware

on Désinfection by ****

THe developer is looking at the bug.

In the meantime, we'll use FRST :

  1. Download FRST
  2. Right-click on the file -> "Execute as Administrator"
  3. Click on the "Scan" button
  4. The logfile is saved as FRST.txt , and additional informations are in Addition.txt.
  5. Please host them on Up2Share and share the generated links.


fr33tux, 2016-02-24 12:37:37 (UTC)


Re: Bug avec les versions : 5.034, 5.035 & 5.036 (ne finit pas le scanne)


Bravo et mille mercis. Cette version de AdwCleaner a résolu le problème, en ce qui me concerne. Le "freeze" a disparu et le programme en a profité pour détecter, puis supprimer un adware !


Re: Unable to remove some adware

THe developer is looking at the bug.

In the meantime, we'll use FRST :

  1. Download FRST
  2. Right-click on the file -> "Execute as Administrator"
  3. Click on the "Scan" button
  4. The logfile is saved as FRST.txt , and additional informations are in Addition.txt.
  5. Please host them on Up2Share and share the generated links.


Re: Unable to remove some adware

on AdwCleaner by ****


I'm waiting a feedback from the developer.. Sorry for the bug.

fr33tux, 2016-02-24 10:17:19 (UTC)

Its is ok since i have waited long for the solution. Just wondering, i ever try to find the registry of hao123 and deleted it, at first it was on both firefox and chrome, then after my effort only manage to clear chrome one.

Re: Unable to remove some adware


I'm waiting a feedback from the developer.. Sorry for the bug.