Major difficulties with AdwCleaner v.

I am helping a friend clean a grossly infected computer. Windows 10. Uses McAfee AV.

He ran Malwarebytes 3 without difficulty and it cleaned with no problem at all. I do have the log if needed but cannot find a way to attach the text file

He then attempted to use AdwCleaner v. but it would not complete cleaning and received a box with notification that a problem had stopped the clean....

AdwCleaner has stopped woring

I tried using AdwCleaner version, but every time it stopped working.

I already tried "Mode > Debug", "Database > Local", Uninstalled AdwCleaner and running it as admin.

I'm using Windows 10 Pro with Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2018 (no warnings from Bitdefender).

Re: Is the adwcleaner from the site bleeping computer safe ?

I  get most of my annti malware there,or from major geeks,if you uneasy you can I believe download it straight from their site.

Re: CCleaner Malware


This is out of the scope of AdwCleaner. I invite you to use Malwarebytes 3 for this issue:

Here are some more informations about CCleaner 5.33:

Feel free to ask if you need more details/help.


Is the adwcleaner from the site bleeping computer safe ?


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Re: Computer Infected, AdwCleaner won't download

I installed Opera browser recently, and then uninstalled, but I think Opera may also have something to do with my computer acting up...And I just realized NOTHING from this site will download! I can download from other websites. Not sure what's going on...


Re: Is this a false positive?

on AdwCleaner by Nec

The fact that this is Spanish(Maybe?) makes it very VERY difficult to read.... Any way you could turn it into English? On the first glance noticed some things that MIGHT be potential issues, unsure, cause..... I am not yet used to reading the logs, and different language doesn't help the issue :)

JoshRoss, 2017-09-07 14:26:07 (UTC)

Of course sorry.

If you see something that is not translat...

Re: Is this a false positive?

on AdwCleaner by Nec

Ports, applications, accessibility. Maybe your other device is used a lot less, you haven't messed with any ports or have any applications that require forwarding. Honestly, very weird issue, I would need to investigate the files. Can you scan your PC With Farbar MiniToolBox and Malwarebytes JRT? Post the logs that you get.

JoshRoss, 2017-09-06 13:16:38 (UTC)

MiniToolBox by Farbar  Version...

Re: Is this a false positive?

on AdwCleaner by Nec

This could be a worm (Network virus). And you might need to reflash your routers software. Check your network settings or network device and see if there are static IP's in place. Could you try disconnecting from the network, cleaning up your PC with Malwarebytes and Adwcleaner, restart PC and see if the issue persists? If it doesn't, try connecting to a different network and see if it happens...

Re: Did AdwCleaner Remove Required Registry Files?

Josh ;) Considering my uninstall folder is empty and none of the mentioned file registries are crucial, I don't see any problems that might come from removing those. It could be a malicious registry added to alter your search or download malware, but other than that, you should be good to go. (I am not an expert at registries, just slightly knowledgeable)