InjuredPixels for Android 1.1 Release
InjuredPixels For Windows Portable Release
InjuredPixels for Windows Installer Release

InjuredPixels for Windows

InjuredPixels can help you check your PC, laptop or tablet screen for dead pixels, scratches or defects.

InjuredPixels can be used to test a new LCD monitor before purchasing, or an already purchased monitor during the warranty period (as you may get a replacement according to the manufacturer's dead pixel policy). InjuredPixels fills the entire screen with a primary or custom color, allowing you to inspect the screen for pixels that do not match the selected color.

The program is easy to use: click or use the arrow keys to cycle through colors or right-click to get the menu with the main commands. InjuredPixels can be run directly without having to install it on your computer: just download the portable version and run. Tiny, free and open source, and hosted on GitHub!


InjuredPixels for Android

Use InjuredPixels to screen test a smartphone or tablet in the store, before buying, or during the warranty period, as you may get a replacement according to the manufacturer's dead pixel policy. InjuredPixels fills the entire screen with a primary or custom color, helping you to easily spot pixels that do not match the selected color.

The app is very easy to use:

  • tap the color buttons or use the volume keys to cycle through colors
  • double tap anywhere to hide the buttons and check every inch for defects
  • double tap again to show the buttons
  • swipe down from the top of the screen and tap Back or Home to exit the app

When going full (empty) screen, touching, tapping or swiping does nothing, giving you the freedom to clean or gently rub any area while testing.

InjuredPixels is completely free, open source, doesn't show ads, and requires no Internet and no extra permissions whatsoever.

Downloads 13,051
Weekly downloads 3
Publisher Aurelitec
By aurelitec
Created on 20 March 2017
Last update 20 March 2017
Category Utilities
Operating system Cross-platform

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