After removing all the apps I mentioned in my previous email, BugFixxer came back again!
I found another folder (this one located in C:\Window\SysWOW64) called Policies that is another hahomedia product. I've quarantined this (along with all the others) and used regedit to remove their entries in HKLM:SYSTEM:CurrentControlSet:Services. At the moment my computer is OK, but let's wait another 24 hours to see if anything comes back.
Here are some more details: the BinEssentials, WinEssentials and WinInfos folders were all installed in C:\Windows. The Policies folder was in C:\Windows\SysWOW64. The folders BugFixxer, Infos, WinEssentials and WinInfos were in C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local.
Here's a dropbox link to all these folders: