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de Mónica, (16 décembre 2016)

Es un programa muy bueno, me ha funcionado perfectamente a diferencia de mi antivirus habitual.
It is a great program, it worked perfectly and solved what my defender couldn't :/


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de Jin_N_Juice, (02 octobre 2016)

Love the site, helped me clean a customers computer using this program, malwarebytes, RstHosts, AdsFix, Rkill. Keep doing what your doing :)


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de Graphic Designer, (07 septembre 2016)

I have problems with popups in firefox and Iexplorer to and other Urls like ( adwcleaner not found anything.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de ****, (14 août 2016)

Hmm… Not nice. AdwCleaner 6.000 found registry keys:

and sure cleaned them out.

After reboot I looked up what a heck those keys was about and found they are all FloXpress utility in SolidWorks 2014. I’m using this program last 2 years and never had any problems with program nor viruses. Now SolidWorks crashes when starting FloXpress… So sad…

Check everything before you cleaning with AdwCleaner 6.000 !


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de ****, (28 juillet 2016)

Je désinfecte les ordinateurs de mes amis via adwcleaner.
Avec la dernière version je me suis débattu pendant 11h car après une désinfection, la connexion au réseau Wifi était impossible. Et ce n'était pas dû au réseau puisque d'autres appareils pouvaient s'y connecter.
Elle apparaissait comme "accès limité".
Après une restauration avant nettoyage et re-désinfection puis re-restauration enfin j'ai compris que c'était le fichier et dossier sbnetsys.sys qui était détecté et supprimé qu'il fallait garder.
Veuillez faire une mise à jour qui ne détecte pas le fichier, driver et dossier sbnetsys.sys comme malveillant.
Merci pour votre travail.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de preetme2, (09 juillet 2016)

Hi, I have an issue when i run "AdwCleaner 5.201". Whenever I run this particular version, my computer just hangs for few seconds, then starts functioning again. However, the AdwCleaner software doesn't start at all. I tried running the software several times. Same thing happens every time I try running the software. I downloaded twice again, after deleting the previous files, but to no avail. I also deleted all the temporary files, restarted the system, but was of no help.

I would like to know if the same thing or anything similar has happened to anyone and how was it resolved. Any help would really be appreciated. Thank you.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de ****, (11 avril 2016)

THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH FOR PROVIDING this superb TOOL. I sincerely recommend it to everyone who wants to get rid of the "other instance is running" popup every time you start your Computer because of that "Web Companion” virus that sneaks into your system a s a parasite alongside other apps on the web. On top of wiping away that parasitical Web Companion Crap, AdwCLEARNER is a truly user friendly tool to clean up all kinds of nasty stuff that is floating around on the internet.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de ****, (31 mars 2016)

Brilliant tool. Extremely easy to use and hooray! did the job. So grateful. Is there anywhere I can make a donation?


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de prston, (14 mars 2016)

Developer Xplode
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for providing the world's best anti-malware tool.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for continuing to support Windows XP.
If your web page had a DONATE NOW button, I would quickly click it.