Compliqué d'éviter de trigger les AV en utilisant AutoIt, à part signer l'exécutable (et encore).
@cocochepeau Oui obfuscator. Quel programme d'obscurcissement recommanderiez-vous?
Il n'y a jamais de virus dans le programme.
Il y a probablement un problème avec le programme que j'utilise pour protéger le code.
KIS détecte ce logiciel comme un virus et l'élimine. Le rapport sur Virustotal pose question :
Qu'en pensez-vous ?
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The decision to add a dog to your lives can be surprisingly spontaneous or it can involve a great deal of thought. Part of the process though is often to decide whether you are having a female or male dog and then what to name her. For each dog owner the naming stage is something different, names in a hat, letting the kids do it, or perhaps looking at a list of female dog names like the one we have here for you now. Remember you are likely to be hearing and using this a lot so it needs to be a female dog name you can live with for many years and one you can say!