Can you send me a zip of this shortcut to see what's wrong with it ? (right-click on it -> send to > compressed folder).
Best regards,
Can you send me a zip of this shortcut to see what's wrong with it ? (right-click on it -> send to > compressed folder).
Best regards,
I got infected with loads of adware after trying to install SUPER file converter.
I have run Windows Defender to remove trojans and a malware installer.
Whichever Prinicpal I give Full Control, there is always some other Principal's permission lacking to delete Program Files (x86)\MPC Cleaner.
Running AdwCleaner isn't managing to do so either. Log file:
Désolé de remonter un vieux topic, mais l'infection est toujours d'actualité (ce qui montre que les dires des développeurs de ce logiciels sont bidons).
christophedlr, 2016-08-29 09:31:44 (UTC)
Pouvez-vous détailler ?
J'ai moi aussi le problème depuis le début de la matinée (6h du matin quand même), j'ai tenté ce qui est dit sur les 3 premières pages de ce topic sans succès. ...
Désolé de remonter un vieux topic, mais l'infection est toujours d'actualité (ce qui montre que les dires des développeurs de ce logiciels sont bidons).
J'ai moi aussi le problème depuis le début de la matinée (6h du matin quand même), j'ai tenté ce qui est dit sur les 3 premières pages de ce topic sans succès. En désespoir de cause, j'ai utilisé ton astuce avec FRST Chapi, et pour l...
Yes, sure. It seems to me like it tries to rid of the items found, but they are untrusted and should be there. In addition, when I just let it do its automatic thing, upon reboot, in Firefox the No-Script was completely reset and I have to allow again for each new site I visit. Thanks!
Ok. So copy paste the following content in the settings.ini file (overwrite the current content):
Then, launch AdwCleaner as usual, do a scan and share the file mentionned above.
Best regards,
Can you or edit the following line from C:\AdwCleaner\settings.ini :
and set it as:
Then, relaunch AdwCleaner, the error should appear. Also, a new file will be created as C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log.
Please host it on and share the generated link.
Best regards,
It doesn't show on start up of adwcleaner now but it still doesn't work. It now pops up, entry point EVP_CIPHER..., after I hit scan.