ADWcleaner flagged as Malware

dans AdwCleaner par mik


I thought you may be interested that I downloaded your ADWcleaner from theBleeping Computer website the other day and it was immediately flagged by Kaspersky AV as a trojan. Version adwcleaner_5.014.exe.

This caused a Kernel Core Security Failure and Windows 10 closed down. Rebooted and Kaspersky dealt with the problematic file. All clear now. However it seems that some one/thing is possi...

Re: How to ignore specific programs from Adwcleaner scan

I'm aware that I can "uncheck" specific items.  Unfortunately, I have no way to know if I have correctly identified all required items - specially in the area of the registry, where the items may not be easy to identify - and I have no way to mark these choices (that I'm aware of) as "permanent" so that I don't have to go through the same procedure each time I perform a scan.

Re: How to ignore specific programs from Adwcleaner scan

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


At the end of scanning, you can uncheck every détected elements you want to keep. Please refer to the documentation if needed.


Re: AdwCleaner CLI - From Blog post

Greetings phaelanx,

CLI is not implanted yet but is still expected in v5. So, stay tuned for some news. :)


How to ignore specific programs from Adwcleaner scan

I use a paid program (Babylon Translation) that is always identified by Adwcleaner as a program that should be deleted. Is there some way I can tell Adwcleaner to ignore files associated with the Babylon translation program.

AdwCleaner CLI - From Blog post

dans AdwCleaner par ****

Hi All,

There was a blog post back in July ( about AdwCleaner getting/having a CLI in v5.

We cannot find any links, hints, posts, or anything else about it.

Does it actually exist, and if so, where is it?

Thanks in advance!

Re: AdwCleaner v.5.013 cannot delete

dans AdwCleaner par ****

Hi fr33tux and thanks for your answer.

This is my log from today

# AdwCleaner v5.013 - Bericht erstellt am 18/10/2015 um 05:34:39
# Aktualisiert am 09/10/2015 von Xplode
# Datenbank : 2015-10-16.1 [Server]
# Betriebssystem : Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (x64)
# Benutzername : wilfried - WILFRIEDPC
# Gestartet von : E:\Downloads\ADWCleaner\adwcleaner_5.013.exe
# Option : Löschen
# Unters...

Re: Ad Choices


Please, we'll use another tool to check what AdwCleaner missed :

  • Download ZHPDiag from Nicolas on his website
  • Then run it with administrator's rights (with right click)
  • Then upload the log file on up2share
  • Then post the link in your reply


Re: Ad Choices

dans Désinfection par Boo

Sure and thanks in advance, here is logfile:

# AdwCleaner v5.013 - Logfile created 16/10/2015 at 19:16:48
# Updated 09/10/2015 by Xplode
# Database : 2015-10-16.1 [Server]
# Operating system : Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 (x86)
# Username : roc - ROCKY
# Running from : C:\Documents and Settings\roc\My Documents\Downloads\adwcleaner_5.013.exe
# Option : Cleaning
# Support : http://tools...

Ad Choices

dans Désinfection par Boo

Sorry, if this is duplicated, newbie here and I did a search for Ad Choices in Chrome removal and didn't find a resolution...I downloaded AdWCleaner (latest download  here) but didn't remove Ad Choices from Chrome.......


Can anyone please offer some direction or help to remove Ad Choices?