Thank U for the app.
Might it be possible to delay the reboot and just shut down the computer without a restart.
Let it finish on next boot up ?
Greetings AdWareCleaner Users & Developers: I have QUESTIONS please - How come my adwcleaner as an installed application under Vista isn't listed under my "All Programs"? ... How Come adwcleaner deletes installed apps I paid for like my Paretologic Registry Cleaner and its PCHA? Are Registry Cleaners as a group considered potential adware or malware? ... Are they even worth having? Why is there even a tab for Registry Cleaner on AdWareCleaner? ... How come there isn't a preview screen that I can edit before AdwCleaner deletes or quarantines its targeted folders or files? ... The old version of AdWareCleaner I had was installed on my desktop, how come the new one isn't? ... Is there any relationship between AdwareCleaner and MalWareBytes? How can I get back deleted or quarantined applications, files, and folders? Is there a help file I can read to spare us all from my tedious annoying questions? Instead of donating i would prefer a paid application I could buy. Thank you. (and can you post answers to with subject line "AdWareCleaner Queries")
Est t'il prévu de pouvoir lancer AdwCleaner en ligne de commande ? Par exemple, "adwcleaner.exe /scan -remove" lancerait un scan des fichiers malveillants, puis les supprimeraient, tout cela en arrière plan avec peut être un log directement dans la console (par ex: "Scanning folders... Done!" etc.)
Are there any plans you can launch AdwCleaner in command line? For example, "adwcleaner.exe / scan -remove" will launch a scan of malicious files and then would remove all, in the background. With maybe a log directly into the console (eg "Scanning folders ... Done!" etc.)
Thanks a lot.
Encore merci pour cet outil qui a nettoyé instantanément Firefox de toutes ces fenêtres parasites. Bravo à vous !