While being in a rush, i was installing an app for powerpoint and i did not check for programs/pups comming with the installer. Indeed my laptop got infected 15 mins before a meeting(my first one outside england), i almost lost my promotion because of these malwares.
Hello there,
While being in a rush, i was installing an app for powerpoint and i did not check for programs/pups comming with the installer. Indeed my laptop got infected 15 mins before a meeting(my first one outside england), i almost lost my promotion because of these malwares. But hopefully someone told me about adwcleaner, which is a great tool+ it's completly free. Really guys thank you so much :D.
SanKyou Very Much, you just solve my Months' Problem. ^_^
Love the site, helped me clean a customers computer using this program, malwarebytes, RstHosts, AdsFix, Rkill. Keep doing what your doing :)
Hi there, didn't come here in a while but anyway I will answer if some of you are interested. I used AutoIT to write this program, that's why it's sometimes triggering false positives in some antiviruses. As far as I know, this language really tries to use the core functions of Windows, and I think I read somewhere that it is using the same download function than Internet Explorer.
In a nutshell, that's just triggering an Internet Explorer download via the console.
@cocochepeau You are right, I tried the process again and it did ask me. I don't recall getting this warning message the first time though, or maybe i just ignored it, which would be my fault. Thanks for getting in touch.
@Komeni There are warning messages. For example, one is telling you that programs will be closed during cleaning.
@Prithelp please open up a new thread on our forum https://toolslib.net/forum It will be more easier for us to fix your problem this way. Thanks!
Not getting a response from you about "clean files" hang-up issue previously mentioned.
Note that unchecking "clean files" allow the subsequent cleanup processes to work - but it is unrealistic to do this every time the programme is used as the file "threats" simply remain in place.
ADWCleaner seems a neat utility, but it has to be fully functional to be retained.
Good afternoon,
Downloaded version 6.020, shut all other programmes, ran adwcleaner "scan" then selected "clean" but it stopped responding on "clean files". Shut programme using Task Manager.
Repeated process, same result.
Rebooted and repeated process. Same result.
Windows Vista. Any ideas?