Apologies a reboot which took a lot longer than usual appears to have unblocked adwcleaner. Perhaps Windows 10 had not fully cleared its update process previously. Adwcleaner is now working as it should.
@fabiolagraeber It's not a bug. Just ignore it. It won't prevent you from downloading AdwCleaner.
@KOPFteam It should be fixed with the latest version of AdwCleaner (6.020).
I can not download the new version 6.010 I tried in 3 different browsers but I still have the error: This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience ever, we need those cookies in order to deliver our services. :((
Bonsoir, j'ai une question, surement débile mais bon je tente ! A la fin du scan est-ce qu'on peut tout nettoyer car je ne sais pas forcément à quoi correspond chaque service/fichier/dossier and co, et j'ai peur de supprimer des choses qu'il ne faut pas (comme j'ai pu lire dans certains commentaires...)
Merci d'avance de votre réponse !
I Love this program it has saved my computer more than once.
me acabo de actualizar el programa adwcleaner:6.000 y se me bloquea...
Hacia la busqueda de exploradores web(al final del escaneo) me aparece la siguiente ventana:
Autoit error
Line 10570 (File "C:\.........)
Error: Variable used without being declared.
Me podeis ayudar a solucionarlo?
Muchas gracias.
Felicitaciones a los creadores.
Plein de faux positifs surement car non nettoyés au reboot avec cette nouvelle version.
La précédente version ne montrait rien.
Attendons une prochaine MAJ de la database ou du logiciel?
En tout cas, il m'a bien aidé, donc soyons indulgent pour la résolution du pb.
version 6.0 .
Adwcleaner finds a threat in file web data located in C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default . The value is Search Provider and data is search.babylon.com.
I deleted it several times and it still can't be removed, even I deleted the whole Web data file.
Version 6.0. After scanning, Adwcleaner finds in the Chrome tab: Value: "startup_url" and data "hxxp://search.conduit.com/...". Although I select the Clean button, this value and data remain after the cleaning process and reboot.
Hmm… Not nice. AdwCleaner 6.000 found registry keys:
and sure cleaned them out.
After reboot I looked up what a heck those keys was about and found they are all FloXpress utility in SolidWorks 2014. I’m using this program last 2 years and never had any problems with program nor viruses. Now SolidWorks crashes when starting FloXpress… So sad…
Check everything before you cleaning with AdwCleaner 6.000 !