Avast Paid mode says AdwCleaner is malware and dont let me run it. Any help?
V4 will not install on Win7 Ultimate.
Get error on Line 1971 saying ERROR" Variable must be of type "Object".
Any ideas how to fix this.
I tried in Admin mode but no luck there either.
I used latest version of adwcleaner and could not remove the virus myosprotect.dll, even running in safe mode windows 7. Can you help me?
V3.310 hangs when Analyzing Browsers. I have tried running in safe mode with same results. Any suggestions? Thanks.
MarionLd, je te conseil de désactiver Norton le temps d'installer Adw et de faire le nettoyage necessaire puis, de réactiver Norton !
Bonjour, j'ai windows 8, et j'aimerais désinstaller istartsurf mais quand j'installe adwcleaner mon antivirus "Norton" me dit que cela est une menace et je ne peut donc pas le télécharger il le supprime automatiquement .. Pourriez-vous m'aider ?
Re Tom1110: Try NOT to reformat your hard disk so soon unless you absolutely have to -- it's like doing brain surgery for a hangnail -- use this challenge as an exercise to discover, quarantine and delete the culprit -- whatever malware you got is annoying BUT try doing more research online using search terms combined with "Movie Mode" before you resort to reformatting. Combine your troubleshooting techniques with Safe Mode. Do you have a real security program that you've paid for and subscribe to? -- With it you'll be able to get some real professional tech support. Good Luck.
Greetings. I run the program many times and couldn't get rid of Movie Mode (This is the most annoying adware of them all - I think I will reformat my PC). The program does't work with Movie Mode? Thanks.
valentin72 essaye de démarrer en mode sans echec, puis lance avec les droit administrateur adwcleaner...
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