La version Adwcleaner pèse 7971 ko ?
Alors que Adwcleaner 6047.exe (version antérieure) 4014 ko
Comment justifier plus de 3000 ko d'une version à l'autre ?
Depuis que Malwarebytes s'est approprié Adwcleaner c'est toujours de plus en plus lourd & là c'est pire qu'avant.
Le poids a commencé à augmenter dès qu'ils ont rajouté leur sigle Malwarebytes & AdwCleaner en énorme, c'est très moche & lourd.
Tous les programmateurs de logiciels devraient s'attacher à rendre les logiciels le plus sobre & le plus léger possible.
Depuis que ce n'est plus Toolslib qui gère AdwCleaner, il y a moins de mise à jours qu'avant & il est de plus en plus lourd, il devient grossier.
Avec Toolslib j'étais en confiance, ce n'est plus le cas avec Malwarebytes qui devient trop commercial.
Si comme le dit "Passant" cette version n'est pas pour 32bits, pas question d'installer cette version
After using the program for so long, it stops measuring the data. Although I watch YouTube videos, Face or download a movie, the application marks 0kb and does not display an active graphic. In some occasions the problem is solved by re-installing, but there comes a moment that does not work since it does not measure traffic or anything.
Pelo amor de Deus, eu não sei pra quê tanta atualização, parece que toda semana tem atualização nova, assim vocês quebram as pernas dos usuários, porque se ao menos o programa funcionasse sem ser necessário baixar e instalar novamente, isso é um saco, nem sempre eu posso ta baixando de novo, por favor mudei isso, deixe pra o usuário atualizar novamente quando quiser. Isso é abuso, não precisa obrigar ninguém a baixar toda semana o "mesmo programa". Isso é muito chato.
Now..again,to many similar programs=slows your PC,windows log in,but especially your default Browser because of too much extensions&apps.My Chrome has already the 3 "must have" extensions&apps,and no more...Basta.:)
Thanks to the programmers that developed AdwareCleaner. Now my pc is free from popups (SetupWizard) it was hard to find a program to make my pc normal again.
Es un programa muy bueno, me ha funcionado perfectamente a diferencia de mi antivirus habitual.
It is a great program, it worked perfectly and solved what my defender couldn't :/
I just joined to tell ALL OTHERS out there having issues that this program 100% free 100% working, none of this scan and tell but won't fix until you buy. It ran a scan found 177 problems after reboot I printed out my 13 page report and WOW. It's fixed my problems and got rid of some really bad bugs. I am not kidding 100% free 100% working -THANK YOU
El programa va genial, los que tenemos mac ya no tendremos que ir abriendo maquinas virtuales para poder descargar los enlaces ELC , gracias !!!!
Sooo Amazing program!!! I lost my dreams in my pc (Win8.1 Pro -- 64x) I had lost all connection to Internet, since I install a program from a dubious site, this destroyed me all forms of internet connection, I was already thinking of reformatting your pc, when I remembered that one day had gone down version adwcleaner 6010 and thought... why not?, and woooooooooow !!! 445 found strange things in my pc, and more a thing called iSafeKrnlboot, the kidnapping my entire PC. Now I m here, giving testimony for SUPER AMAZING PROGRAM ADWCLEANER
While being in a rush, i was installing an app for powerpoint and i did not check for programs/pups comming with the installer. Indeed my laptop got infected 15 mins before a meeting(my first one outside england), i almost lost my promotion because of these malwares.