
on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (09 december 2014)

After 2 days trying with a lot of programms, has adware cleaner resolved my problem. Thanks a lot.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (05 december 2014)


Muy bueno contra esos Virus de publicidad xc

jaja !!!

Solamente que no me quita los recuadros de publicidad de "ads by safer-surf" pero bueno lo demás si xD!


on AdwCleaner's page

from Kyle_Katarn, (03 december 2014)


Problème récurrent, les dernières version ne contiennent pas les bonnes propriétés (ProductName, CompanyName) dans l'executable, reconnu comme Aut2Exe.


on AdwCleaner's page

from donaldogutierrez1957, (03 december 2014)

donaldogutierrez1957: como se baja y como se instala y donde o en que parte de computador el AdwCleaner .gracias agradezco su ayuda porque tengo ese en mi computador.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (03 december 2014)

Can I just say thanks for AdwCleaner. I had 140 ad-programs clogging my machine. Your software got rid of them fast! Also, a word to the XP users out there. It is a little strange to be using an operating system no longer supported by MS with utilities and security updates - and then complain that an Adware removal program won't work on it! Your computer is a disaster waiting to happen! Please upgrade to Win 7 at least - for your own sake.


on AdwCleaner's page

from FunkSpunk, (02 december 2014)

Hi Xplode, just wanted to update you with this discussion @


on AdwCleaner's page

from cocochepeau, (02 december 2014)

@Me1 Bonjour, votre logiciel antivirus/firewall en est peut-être la raison, dans le cas où il pourrait empêcher AdwCleaner de se connecter à Internet afin de vérifier la disponibilité de mise à jour (ce n'est qu'une supposition).


on AdwCleaner's page

from xXMarcelXx103, (02 december 2014)

Les Explico Como Usarlo:

En La Lista Debe Decir Escanear, Limpiar, Reporte y Desinstalar, Solamente Se Puede Seleccionar Escanear, Cuando El Escaneo Esté Completo Se Desbloquearán Otras Opciones, La Que Más Sirve Es Limpiar. AdwCleaner Pedirá Reiniciar El Computador, Cuando Se Vuelva A Prender Saldrá Una Lista De Lo Que Hiciste Y Lo Que Se Borró, Luego Tu Computador Quedará Limpio


on AdwCleaner's page

from M-K-D-B, (01 december 2014)

Eine neue Version (v4) der Sprachdatei wird laut Xplode noch kommen.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Me1, (01 december 2014)

For those complaining about XP compatibility, I'm a XP Pro user and I can confirm AdwCleaner is fully compatible with XP. Like everybody though, I have had trouble with version 4, but it has been fixed. The latest 4.103, however, shows a little progress bar for loading the database right before opening the program. It also takes a little too long for the scan to run. Other than that, it works.

By the way, why aren't we getting prompted to install the latest version anymore?

And, I really miss when the program would update without having to download a new .exe file.