
on AdwCleaner's page

from cocochepeau, (25 october 2014)

Well... If you're talking about how to uninstall AdwCleaner, it's simple : just click on the "Uninstall" button. You can't miss it!


on AdwCleaner's page

from p060477, (19 october 2014)

is impossible to use vers 4 with win xp..always get error line 1971
why the creator of this tool does not reply usefully..??
this is very very unpolite...


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (15 october 2014)

V4 will not install on Win7 Ultimate.
Get error on Line 1971 saying ERROR" Variable must be of type "Object".
Any ideas how to fix this.
I tried in Admin mode but no luck there either.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (15 october 2014)

Este última versión, falla, no se inicia. (el sistema operativo que tengo: W7 pro). Durante sale uno par de segundos sale un cartel que pone algo así como Downloading data base, y dentro se mueven muy rápidamente unos números o algo así, pero no se inicia, por lo cual, sigo usando la versión 3.310.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (13 october 2014)

I had the supra savings program on my computer so I downloaded Adwcleaner. It removed this but left me with another problem. I run a small business out of my home and Adwcleaner marked all of my invoicing, billing and inventory software as a virus. I can no longer get into these important programs. How can I undo this?


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (13 october 2014)

Hello everyone! On Windows Vista and newer systems, do I need to run it as an administrator or is it OK to run it as current user that already has admin rights? Thanks Xplode for your great program. Saves me a lot of time and effort on my each working day.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (08 october 2014)

superbe logiciel,tres utile mais n'arrive pas a supprimer suite mise à jour de auslogics defrag disk


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (05 october 2014)

As an experienced user i still sometimes accidentally install adware. This program makes uninstalling those very easier and faster than removing on your own. 5/5, will recommend and install on the computers of my relatives.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (05 october 2014)

I have had a virus several times in the past month. AdwCleaner seems to fix it, but then it comes back a week or two later. Today it mutated worse than ever. It deleted all the old versions of AdwCleaner off my hard drive. When I came here to download the latest version, IE would not load the page, it just said Waiting, forever. Opera acted like it downloaded, but nothing happened. I clicked Didn't Work? Click Here, and the same thing would happen, countdown from five, and then nothing. This is a pretty smart virus to delete the old copies and not let you download the new one. Do you know about this virus? What must I do to keep it from coming back again?


on AdwCleaner's page

from kinnonii, (27 september 2014)

Hola. Quiero añadir un feedback para Xplode, creador de AdwCleaner, y es que el análisis del programa detecta como adware la carpeta C:\Program Files\Skillbrains. Skillbrains es la carpeta donde se instala el gestor de capturas de pantalla 'Lightshot' (" target="_blank"> Quisiera que para futuras revisiones de ADWcleaner esta carpeta sea excluida, ya que una vez esta utilidad fuer eliminada por error de mi sistema. Saludos.
Captura:" target="_blank">

Hi, I would like to give a feedback to Xplode, creator of ADWCleaner. When it analyzes my system, it detects the C:\Program Files\Skillbrains folder as adware, when it's not. That's the folder where Lightshot, a screen capture tool (, is installed, and it's not any adware o malicious software. I would like that folder to be excluded from adware detections on future ADWcleaner revisions. Greetings.
Screen capture:" target="_blank">