
on AdwCleaner's page

from yo75, (21 october 2014)

Salut à tous,
La dernière version AdwCleaner v4.001 est toute pourrie !
Nombreux faux positifs détectés.
Correction urgente attendue !


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (15 october 2014)

Este última versión, falla, no se inicia. (el sistema operativo que tengo: W7 pro). Durante sale uno par de segundos sale un cartel que pone algo así como Downloading data base, y dentro se mueven muy rápidamente unos números o algo así, pero no se inicia, por lo cual, sigo usando la versión 3.310.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (13 october 2014)

I used latest version of adwcleaner and could not remove the virus myosprotect.dll, even running in safe mode windows 7. Can you help me?


on AdwCleaner's page

from obobo, (13 october 2014)

I was always using it with success, but now avast detects this version 4.0 as a virus "Win32:Evo-gen [susp]. Can you please check it? Thanks!


on WinUpdateFix's page

from ****, (12 october 2014)

I would be more than happy to donate for an English version.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (12 october 2014)

Bonsoir !

J'ai un soucis avec cette nouvelle version...
Lorsque je l’exécute un message s'affiche : SQLite3.dll Cant be Loaded!

Que dois je faire ? J'aurai souhaité éventuellement prendre une version antérieur.

Bien à vous !


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (05 october 2014)

I have had a virus several times in the past month. AdwCleaner seems to fix it, but then it comes back a week or two later. Today it mutated worse than ever. It deleted all the old versions of AdwCleaner off my hard drive. When I came here to download the latest version, IE would not load the page, it just said Waiting, forever. Opera acted like it downloaded, but nothing happened. I clicked Didn't Work? Click Here, and the same thing would happen, countdown from five, and then nothing. This is a pretty smart virus to delete the old copies and not let you download the new one. Do you know about this virus? What must I do to keep it from coming back again?


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (26 september 2014)

Superbe logiciel. Par contre la version que je possède actuellement 3.310 ne reconnait pas pc cleaner pro se trouvant là : C:\ProgramData\PC Cleaners et fichier pclunst.exe


on AdwCleaner's page

from miki41951, (14 september 2014)

Bonjour, même avec la nouvelle version et avec l'erreur windows xp AutoIt erreur line4974, mais persiste si j'utilise le même AdwCleaner sur Windows 7 est très bien. Comment résoudre ce problème?

Buongiorno anche con la nuova release e con windows xp l'errore AutoIt Error line4974, persiste ma se uso lo stesso adwcleaner su windows 7 va bene . Come risolvere?


on AdwCleaner's page

from Edelweiss, (03 september 2014)

Désolé version 3.309 et non 3.308