Est t'il prévu de pouvoir lancer AdwCleaner en ligne de commande ? Par exemple, "adwcleaner.exe /scan -remove" lancerait un scan des fichiers malveillants, puis les supprimeraient, tout cela en arrière plan avec peut être un log directement dans la console (par ex: "Scanning folders... Done!" etc.)
Are there any plans you can launch AdwCleaner in command line? For example, "adwcleaner.exe / scan -remove" will launch a scan of malicious files and then would remove all, in the background. With maybe a log directly into the console (eg "Scanning folders ... Done!" etc.)
Thanks a lot.
feedback for the "adwcleaner" program, like for reporting "false positives", should be posted here:
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- Mise à jour de la base de données
- Mise à jour de plusieurs filtres génériques
- Suppression FP
//////// v3.214 - 29/06/14 //////// ENG
- Database update
- Generic detections updated
- False positive removed
Excelent work, best tool ever against fk pups but u need add more detection against baidu, hao123, yac, psafe, McAfee Security Scan, fk speed tools and other junk from baidu that is spreading wildly.
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- Mise à jour majeure de la base de données
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- Major database update
I found AdwCleaner to be awesome, thank you very much! But I also found that even after running it, if I reinstalled Chrome, the speedial redirect would be reinstalled.
I found the speedial browser redirect also inserts a key into the Windows registry that causes Chrome to reinstall speedial whenever Chrome is reinstalled itself.
Details here:
The key on my Win 7 / 64 machine is
//////// v3.212 - 05/06/14 //////// FR
- Mise à jour de la base de données
- Suppression FP
//////// v3.212 - 05/06/14 //////// EN
- Database update
- False positive removed
User experienced errors on Windows XP Pro.
//////// v3.211 - 26/05/14 //////// FR
- Mise à jour de la base de données
//////// v3.211 - 26/05/14 //////// EN
- Database update