TESTIMONIAL For AdwCleaner -- World's Best Free Cleaner for Treacherous Malware
I discovered AdwCleaner at the Malwarebytes forums. It is one of the primary tools used by the AV experts there.
I used AdwCleaner for several years whenever I believe my active PAID AV protection failed to detect a threat.
AdwCleaner saved my PC SEVERAL times from Virus Hell!
THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH FOR AdwCleaner, Mr. Xplode.
(WARNING for Novice Users: Unless you are very knowledgeable about the Windows Registry, think twice about using AdwCleaner to delete potentially infected registry keys. If AdwCleaner says you have infected registry keys, go to the Malwarebytes forum and ask for a second opinion from an expert before messing with your Windows Registry.)
@SPARTACUS Do not blame changelog AdwCleaner I have been using this program since the "Beta" version never had a problem and wish to thank the developer for this program this and Malwarebytes has saved me a lot of bs excespcially dloadin torrent files such as games and software you never know what viruses and malware are hiding in these files . And back to @SPARTACUS your "other perfectly good programs "you say you had with your chrome extensions you should of unchecked them before running clean setting and I believe there is a pop up could be wrong but if my mem serves me right a pop up comes up after scanning files before clean it says pls uncheck files and extensions you wish to keep I always have to do this cause I have a bunch of "PUP" but other first time users pls disregard this person comment I've been using for years and love this program
This is the exactly problem that I'm experiencing after using AdwCleaner in windows 10, thought I don't know the language of the video, it explains perfeclty with visuality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P37d4GyhrOc
Help me fix this AdwCleaner...
Bonjour. et merci pour cette mise à jour.
Depuis la version 5.008, Adwcleaner me trouve comme fichier qui appartient à l'antivirus Avira :
Est-ce un faux positif ? ou pas ?
D'avance merci.
Getting false detection, running Windows 10 tech preview build 10130
file doesn't seem to be signed by MS though.
# AdwCleaner v4.206 - Logfile created 07/06/2015 at 13:09:47
# Updated 01/06/2015 by Xplode
# Database : 2015-06-05.1 [Server]
# Operating system : Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview (x64)
# Username : kyoden - KYODEN-PC
# Running from : D:\Downloads\adwcleaner_4.206.exe
# Option : Scan
***** [ Services ] *****
Service Found : SensorDataService
***** [ Files / Folders ] *****
File Found : C:\WINDOWS\System32\SensorDataService.exe
J'aimerais savoir s'il y a vraiment un problème avec l'antivirus chinois Qihoo 360 vu wue Adwcleaner veut me supprimer des entrées Tencent. Du coup j'ai désinstallé cet Antivirus ...
Par ailleurs bravo pour le boulot ;-)
Je fis un nouvel ordinateur portable et pas tellement, mais je suis le virus "protectwindowsmanager.exe" où aucune idée?
Firewall tendance mitgeteil, ils ne peuvent pas se débarrasser du virus, je ne peux pas ouvrir ce fichier dans aucun cas.
AdwCleaner lui a autorisé, puis la note et je trouve tout à fait superbe venu presque mignon, une indication du genre de penser à un sermon à l'église, où l'on se fait appel aussi à sa mauvaise conscience.
Tout le monde connaît le problème et pourtant vous faire la même erreur encore et encore, avec la devise: "L'esprit est prompt, la chair est lent"
Hello the Team,
It's the first times I download "ADWCLEANER" and it's incompatible with my anti-virus, "AVG Pro". There are pretty much 3 years, I use the "adwcleaner" and now with the version V4.203, it doesn't work well. My anti-virus detected it like a virus for my computer. Is it right? Please let me know your result.
But in any case, now, each times I downloaded it, I can register it on the PC. WEIRD!!!
This is the best software I have ever used! Thank you so much! It fixed everything! My browser was corrupted and my computer had an ad software virus and you fixed that too. So many thanks to all of you for your great program!
Super nettoyage après infection de Firefox et IExplorer, suite à une installation d'un logiciel de téléchargement.
L'antivirus n'a rien pu faire!
# Exécuté depuis : D:\LogPortbl\Adwcleaner\adwcleaner_4.202.exe
# Option : Nettoyer
***** [ Services ] *****
[#] Service Supprimé : IHProtect Service
***** [ Fichiers / Dossiers ] *****
Dossier Supprimé : C:\ProgramData\IHProtectUpDate
Dossier Supprimé : C:\Program Files\XTab
Fichier Supprimé : C:\Users\CRT\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uubmtnwl.default\user.js
***** [ Tâches planifiées ] *****
***** [ Raccourcis ] *****
Raccourci Désinfecté : C:\Users\CRT\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk
Raccourci Désinfecté : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Mozilla Firefox.lnk
Raccourci Désinfecté : C:\Users\CRT\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Explorer.lnk
Raccourci Désinfecté : C:\Users\CRT\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Launch Internet Explorer Browser.lnk
Raccourci Désinfecté : C:\Users\CRT\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\Mozilla Firefox.lnk