Re: un services malveillants trouvés et pas de nettoyage


Attention : tu dois prendre la version compatible avec ton système : 32 ou 64 bits.

32 ou 64 bits - Comment savoir ?

  • Lance FRST (Sous Windows Vista/7/8/10, clic droit sur FRST > Exécuter en tant qu'administrateur).
  • Coche la case Addition.txt.
  • Clique sur le bouton Analyser.
  • Une fois le scan terminé, deux rapports FRS...

Suddenly AdwCleaner can't remove three services identified as threats

Can you help, admins? AdwCleaner has always removed any threat it finds. Today it failed repeatedly to remove these three services it identified as threats. CCleaner, SuperAntiSpyware, Norton, HitMan Pro and Glary all fail to detect anything wrong.

Is this an ADW false positive or if not, how do I remove & replace the services permanently if they are infected?  

In regedit the service keys ar...

Re: Error message: This app can't run on your PC,

Successfully installed & ran MBAM. Is blocking pop-ups on my browser. Logs files below: (1) Scan log (2) Protection log Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Scan Date: 8/7/2016 Scan Time: 6:16 PM Logfile: mbam scan log.txt Administrator: Yes Version: Malware Database: v2016.02.16.06 Rootkit Database: v2016.05.27.01 License: Trial Malware Protection: Enabled Malicious W...

Re: probléme adwcleaner


Pouvez-vous télécharger SEAF. Clic-droit sur l'icône -> Exécuter en temps qu'Administrateur.

Dans le champ de recherche, entrez "sqlite3.dll". Cliquez sur "Lancer la recherche".

Un rapport s'ouvre à la fin, envoyez le ici. Il contiendra l'ensemble des fichiers portant le nom ci-dessus présent sur votre système.




Great ! Thanks for your patience.

So, to conclude, if the computer seems stable, please proceed below. Otherwise, don't do the following instructions but telle me what's wrong.

We'll remove all the used tools :

  • Download DelFix from Xplode on your desktop.
  • Launch it with administrator rights.
  • Select all the option except the one proposing to save the registry.
  • Then click on the "Ex...




Hm, we'll try to get more informations:

  • Download FRST
  • Right-click on the file -> "Execute as Administrator"
  • Click on the "Scan" button
  • The logfile is saved as FRST.txt , and additional informations are in Addition.txt.
  • Please host them on Up2Share and share the generated links.




Once again, sorry for the delay.

  • Please download ZHPFix - Go on the download page of ZhpFix, click on the blue button "Download Now".
  • Launch it with right click : "launch as administrator",
  • Follow the instructions during the installation.
  • Then click on the shortcut for ZhpFix on your desktop, and as usual, launch it as administrator.
  • Select "Import"
  • Copy & paste the following lines i...

Re: Error message: This app can't run on your PC,


Hm, we'll try to get more informations:

  • Download FRST
  • Right-click on the file -> "Execute as Administrator"
  • Click on the "Scan" button
  • The logfile is saved as FRST.txt , and additional informations are in Addition.txt.
  • Please host them on Up2Share and share the generated links.

Best regards,

Re: Adwcleaner cannot remove bsdriver.sys and cherimoya.sys

on AdwCleaner by ****

okay, Mbam removed 80 items. Adwcleaner still founds bsdriver service after that, but was able to remove it. the last scan with adwcleaner says "all clear" !

Mbam log :

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Protection, 03/08/2016 17:19, SYSTEM, PERICLES, Protection, Malware Protection, Starting, 
Protection, 03/08/2016 17:19, SYSTEM, PERICLES, Protection, Malware Protection, Start...

Re: Error message: This app can't run on your PC,


Have you tried with right-click on the file > Launch as Administrator ?


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