Re: Ransomware .shit?

Unfortunately, there is not currently a way to decrypt these files. I have attempted to decrypt using many different tools and other things but this is currently a no go.

Re: Adwcleaner bloqué a "analyse des navigateurs"



le problème viens du fichier de chrome "secure preference" j'ai régler le problème simplement en  désinstallant google chrome

résultat magique ADW remarche normalement . donc favoriser firefox . plus rapide ^^


merci de m'avoir aidée et a bientôt ! :-)

Re: Adwcleaner Bericht


the mentioned file C:\rei is now (today) accepted by the cleaner and not allocated as a found malware. Obviously a self fixing problem.Thanky you too.


Re: Folder deleted by mistake


I'll be in my customers office tomorrow morning and run AdwCleaner to give you feedback.

The application in the Orlando-folder is accessible now and starts but I have to wait for the operator to check it in deep,

I hope it is a sunny sunday even in your place! regards

Re: Adwcleaner


Avez-vous bien utilisé cette page pour télécharger AdwCleaner: ?

Si oui, pouvez-vous me fournir le nom et la version de votre navigateur internet ?


Re: Folder deleted by mistake


Is it working again now?

I've removed the detection. Can you confirm that AdwCleaner is no longer trying to remove these folders? (Just share me the scan logfile, it should be enough)


Re: Adwcleaner freezes while cleaning.


i encounter the same... now i cant proceed to clean the threats :((


Please help

Re: Folder deleted by mistake

hello cocochepeau, 

thank you for helping! It took me quite a while to restore all the 7000+ files and folders with ownership and next step applying users/rights to all these objects. wrote some scripts what helped.

What i'm still curious about is: what happened - the task went thru the whole procedure correctly an after restarting the logfile appeared as usual. However - it went nuts.

I eve...

Re: Adwcleaner bloqué a "analyse des navigateurs"


je précise il y a un message d'erreur qui arrive et en appuyant sur ok ferme le programme .

le rapport complet :

2016-10-22 12:13:53 :     INFO    [main] - >>>> STARTING <<<< 2016-10-22 12:13:53 :     INFO    [main] - Version: 6.030 2016-10-22 12:13:53 :     INFO    [main] - RAM Usage: 41 2016-10-22 12:13:53 :     INFO    [main] - OS: WIN_10  X64 2016-10-22 12:13:53 :     <INFO>  ...

Re: Adwcleaner freezes while cleaning.


Sorry to read this.

- Can you share the scan logfile?

Then, can you relaunch AdwCleaner, click on Tools -> Options and tick "Debug" in "Mode" section.

Do a scan and a clean, the crash should still occur. Simply exit the freezed window. Then, host the file "C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log" on and copy/paste here the generated link.

Best regards,

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