Re: DDur externe demande formatage

Testdisk indique : not file found, filesystem may be domaged.

vulcain, 2016-01-27 17:44:21 (UTC)

Hmh, ça c'est moins bien. :(

On va essayer avec la recherche approfondie (Deeper Search). La manipulation est un peu plus longue parcontre.

Pour ça, il vous suffit de répéter cette manipulation et ensuite :

  • Arrivé sur l'écran de listing des partitions (vertes), faites "Entrée" pour continuer pu...

Re: Language choice not working

@malware1, do you run a program as an administrator?

For the Polish localization, create a file settings.ini with the following content



Re: DDur externe demande formatage


il indique structure Ok, c'est déjà un bon point

vulcain, 2016-01-26 16:49:40 (UTC)

vous me confirmez que vous êtes arrivé sur un affichage de ce genre : ?

Quelques questions :

  • Si j'ai bien interprêté le log, il devrait y avoir une seule partition. Etait-ce bien le cas avant que vous rencontriez ce problème ?
  • À partir de cet...

Re: Language choice not working

on AdwCleaner by ****

No, there's no settings.ini file and the issue was introduced in 5.031.

Re: Language choice not working

As the subject says. Checked on 2 computers, it's always in English.

malware1, 2016-01-26 13:15:23 (UTC)

@ malware1, are you using version 5.031?

Please check whether a settings.ini file exists in AdwCleaner folder. And if exist, what is written in it?

AdwCleaner 5.031

теперь выбор языка не работает!


russian, 2016-01-27 08:51:32 (UTC)

@ russian, вы используете версию программы 5....

Re: Language choice not working

on AdwCleaner by ****

And still no update of the Polish translation (unless you forgot to include it in the changelog)...

Language choice not working

on AdwCleaner by ****

As the subject says. Checked on 2 computers, it's always in English.

Re: adwcleaner disappeares

Windows XP SP3. In fact, it is crasy. Because my elder version 5.027 suddenly began to work as it is (withot opening it with “Download manager”. I would very much like to know what the manufacturer thinks, but I'm afraid he does not follow the forum! Anyhow, this software is very good, it has killed on my mashine some very annoying adw others did not find.

Re: DDur externe demande formatage


dans ce cas, nous allons essayer avec TestDisk afin de voir comment est organisé le disque dur :

Re: Installation


Can you precise your problem ?

If you need some help to install and use AdwCleaner, did you see the doc :


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