Thank you, this program solved my problem. I am scared to use this program again, if this specific version again breaks my internet, winshokrest will help again?
Thank you, this program solved my problem. I am scared to use this program again, if this specific version again breaks my internet, winshokrest will help again?
Thank you, this program solved my problem. I am scared to use this program again, if this specific version again breaks my internet, winshokrest will help again?
Please download WinsockReset , run it and click on "Proceed with defaults". Is the problem solved after that ?
If it's ok, please download this specific version of AdwCleaner, run a scan, then a clean and tell me if AdwCleaner still breaks your internet connection?
after using AdwCleaner I can not start the intrneth. All browsers have the same problem "DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN"
I try to use some comand, but I can not fixed it. (ipconfig / flushdns; route - f; try to change dns to And I have Full Scan in Kaspersky Internet Security.
Also I have report by AdwCleaner but I do not know where I can put in this file. I use this site: ht...
I've been on holiday havn't had any time to test your updated version. Probably will get a chance to use it in a couple of days and keep you posted Xplode.
Ok, thanks. I will add this bug fix in v5.110 which will be online in the next days !
Good Job, that did it for me. I would definately say that it is better!
Can you try with this version ? http://sd-1.archive-host.com/membres/up/17959594961240255/AdwCleaner_winsock.exe
It is better ?
ingore this post it's a dupicate.
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