Re: Missed remnants

"Searching for generic detections" means that AdwCleaner will search for folders / registry elements that matches a specific pattern or have a specific behavior.

All strings will be updated for v5.037.

1. I let the choice to run clean even if no threats are detected because the user can still want to run specific options that can be checked in "Option" menu

2. Fixed for v5.037

3. Same


Re: Keyboarding interruptions in Yahoo Mail

~ ZHPDiag v2016.2.22.62 By Nicolas Coolman (2016/02/22)
~ Run by Owner (Administrator)  (2016/02/22 14:16:22)
~ Web:
~ Facebook:
~ State version:  Version OK
~ Mode: Scan
~ Report: C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\ZHPDiag.txt
~ Report: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\ZHP\ZHPDiag.txt
~ UAC: Activate ~ System startup: Normal (Normal boo...

Re: Missed remnants

on AdwCleaner by ****

More changes:

$L_GENSEARCH = "Searching for generic elements ..." Please change the current translation to this for now:$L_GENSEARCH = "Trwa wyszukiwanie typowych obiektów..." BTW, what does that exactly mean? Maybe I would be able to find a better translation.

$L_FINISHED = "Zakończono" I assume this is used only once scan completes. To make it more clear, I would change it to:$L_FINISHED = ...

Re: Keyboarding interruptions in Yahoo Mail

on AdsFix by fr33tux


There should be a new file on your desktop looking like "ZHPDiag.txt". You may use it through there.


Re: Missed remnants


Thanks. I will update the translation for v5.037.

Regarding the file you sent me in your previous post, I didn't know that you put the instructions inside "ffff.txt" file , you should have called it "readme.txt" ;-)

I will review this file and add the elements as soon as possible. Some elements ( like the firefox extension ) should be already detected since v5.036.


Re: Bug avec les versions : 5.034, 5.035 & 5.036 (ne finit pas le scanne)


Pouvez-vous fournir le rapport de débogage ?

  1. Lancez AdwCleaner
  2. Options -> "Activer le mode déboguage"
  3. Lancez le scan
  4. Un fichier C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_dbg_xxxxxx.log doit être présent et contenir des informations sur le déroulement et le moment du crash, c'est de lui dont on a besoin (collez-le dans votre réponse ou hébergez le sur Up2Share)

Pour rappel, la documentation complèt...

Bug avec les versions : 5.034, 5.035 & 5.036 (ne finit pas le scanne)


Impossible de faire fonctionner les dernières nouvelles versions (adwcleaner_5.034, 5.035 & 5.036), celles-ci bug (fonctionnement arrêter) au bout de quelques secondes de recherche dès qu'il arrive à "recherche générique en cours".

Cela fait ceci depuis la version 5.034, je n’ai aucun problème avec la version 5.033.

Je suis obligée d'arrêter le logiciel en allant le stopper dans proc...

Re: Missed remnants

on AdwCleaner by ****

Sorry, it was ANSI. Please try UTF8 here.

Also, I think you missed one of my messages. What details should I provide about the shortcut path?

Re: Keyboarding interruptions in Yahoo Mail

on AdsFix by fr33tux


The "Quanratine" folder is the place where AdwCleaner makes a copy of the deleted files in case of false positive.

All elements located there are inactive.

Re: Keyboarding interruptions in Yahoo Mail

I ran Windows Defender in full scan mode. It discovered Adware:Win32/EoRezo in c:\Adware\quarantine file. It found it in 6 files all the same. Is this bug coming in on the back porch of Adwcleaner?