Re: 100% False Positive, but not good for me!


Can you please share the scan or clean logfile generated by AdwCleaner? We'll then be able to see what's being targeted by AdwCleaner.


False positive?

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Wed Aug 30 21:15:03 2017 # Updated on 2017/29/08 by Malwarebytes  # Database: 08-30-2017.1 # Running on Windows 10 Pro (X64) # Mode: scan # Support:

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found.

***** [ Folders ] *****

No malicious folders found.

***** [ Files ] *****

PUP.Optional.Legacy, C:\Users\Oris\...

Re: False Positive v7?

Upon further investigation, this looks like malware's registry file that wasn't removed correctly, but the rest of the issue was

That seems rather unlikely, because the registery key was the only thing that was detected. To reiterate, before AdwCleaner's database update of August 25 my Adwcleaner scans (and other scans for that matter) were clean. In addition, other virusscanners weren't abl...

Re: General Question about AdsFix

dans AdsFix par gen-hackman

hello before using the tool it's good to read the informations and indications about it.

did you turn off your protections that could block the tool ?

it's possible to recover the files or registry keys in the options and selecting what you want to restore

What do you call 'good files deleted' ? windows' crack or something like this ? ^^ or a crapware or unwanted program ?



Re: General Question about AdsFix

dans AdsFix par JoshRoss

Greetings. Please do paste the log. Also, weird reaction, it shouldn't take 4 hours for 50%. It could have been malware trying to prevent further execution of the software, had that happen before. And I am not sure if there is a way to recover your files, official representatives should comment on this matter.

Re: False Positive v7?

dans AdwCleaner par JoshRoss

Interesting development. Thanks for the logs, as expected they are clean. Successful removal could indicate that Adwcleaner stopped the threat further or was a false positive. Honestly, everything related to Yahoo is a massive security hole for me, and I would avoid it as much as possible. 

Upon further investigation, this looks like malware's registry file that wasn't removed correctly, but t...

Re: False Positive v7?

Sure, here they are:

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Sat Aug 26 17:05:27 2017 # Updated on 2017/29/08 by Malwarebytes  # Database: 08-25-2017.1 # Running on Windows 8.1 (X64) # Mode: scan # Support:

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found.

***** [ Folders ] *****

No malicious folders found.

***** [ Files ] *****

No malicious fil...

General Question about AdsFix

dans AdsFix par FireNoodle

Hi there, 

I just have some questions about your program. 

1: Does AdsFix have a pause button? During the analyzing sequence it took over 4 hours to scan (and that was at 57%), I didn't expect it to go for so long. 

2: When I pressed escape on the keyboard; when it was analyzing, the computer froze up and windows was seizing. Followed by a frozen screen and I had to hard reset the computer. ...