Cannot uninstall adwcleaner

Adwcleaner v7.0.8.0 uninstall does not work. Says it will delete quarantine files. When click YES the program exits but DOES NOT uninstall.

Re: ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly

Thanks. I'll try to reproduce this during the weekend and will let you know how it goes.

Quick question. Does it works when you're using "Download Master" with >=2 threads on Firefox (not Waterfox)?

And finally, just to make sure everything else is OK. Can you do a scan/clean with AdwCleaner?


cocochepeau, 2018-03-01 19:49:04 (UTC)

You are welcome.

1. Download Master fails with ...

ADWCleaner sans souris

Bonjour. Ayant un bug de souris je souhaite utiliser adwcleaner au clavier.

Je bloque à la validation des conditions (I agree)

Je suis preneur de toute solution

Un Grand merci


Re: Version AdwCleander



Now it is working with the function "parallel-download" activatided. Congratulations to you and your team.

Re: AdwCleaner will not install on Win10 64-bit PC


Sorry for the late answer.

Indeed, Auslogics is considered as PUP by AdwCleaner. Did you manage to run the cleaning process?

projet à un autre


je ne vois pas de moyen simple pour passer d'un projet à un autre.

Je suis obligé de le fermer / ré ouvrir pour obtenir la possibilité d'ouvrir un autre projet.

Est-ce normal ? ou c'est moi qui ne sait pas faire.

Si c'est normal, un petit onglet ou select serait le bien venu.

Sinon logiciel vraiment sympa :-)

Re: AdwCleaner will not install on Win10 64-bit PC

Here is the one from the session that ran right after it installed correctly. AdwCleaner doesn't seem to like Wise and Auslogics applications; it found them and quarantined them, which is fine. Now, the issue with AdwCleaner not installing was occuring before Wise or Auslogics apps were installed.

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Mon Feb 19 19:47:12 2018 # Updated on 2018/08/02 by Mal...

Re: Adwcleaner ne se lance pas

Pouvez-vous essayer cette manipulation dans un premier temps :

Est-ce mieux en désactivant la Protection Web ? Vous pouvez la désactiver par un clic droit en bas à droite de la barre des tâches sur l'icône Malwarebytes puis "Protection Web : activée".

cocochepeau, 2018-02-18 09:58:50 (UTC)


Re: caught unhandled unknown exception terminating


This is a known issue and this will be fixed with the upcoming major version - The 7.1.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


caught unhandled unknown exception terminating

als ik gescant heb en ik wil opruimen geeft die caught unhandled unknown exception terminating en hij slaat vast