Re: supprimer tpoxa

Ci-joint le copié collé. Bien cordialement.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Date de l'analyse: 30/12/2016
Heure de l'analyse: 01:48
Fichier journal: aaa.txt
Administrateur: Oui

Base de données de programmes malveillants: v2016.12.29.07
Base de données de rootkits: v2016.11.20.01
Licence: Gratuit
Protection contre les programmes malveillants: Désactivé

Re: blocage de l'écran

Analyse terminée ! On va donc supprimer les éléments avec ZHPFix ensuite :

  • Rendez-vous sur la page de téléchargement de ZHPFix, puis cliquez sur le bouton bleu "Télécharger";
  • Enregistrez le fichier sur votre bureau et lancez-le (par un clic-droit -> Exécuter en temps qu'administrateur);
  • Laissez-vous guider pendant l'installation, à la fin, un raccourci se crée sur votre bureau, lancez-le (cl...

Re: WIE Chromium, Shark700 entfernen, löschen

Hallo schweriner,

wurde Chromium ungewollt/unbewusst auf deinem Computer installiert?

Weiß du evtl. mit welchem anderen Programm es mit installiert wurde?

Benötigst du Hilfe bei der Entfernung?



@ cocochepeau

During the last weeks, I noticed some users that were infected with different PUPs or Adware and Chromium was installed silently, unwanted and automatically on those computers as...

Re: Adwcleaner deleted legitimate programs!!!!!


You can read more about our criterias here. Also, feel free to fill a complain at the same adress if you think the detection is abusive.

Best regards,

Re: Adwcleaner deleted legitimate programs!!!!!

Auslogics disk defrag and wise disk cleaner ARE NOT PUPs!!!!!!

They are 100% LEGITIMATE utilites! and VERY USEFUL, I might add. They may install additional software, but that can be easily unchecked during installation. SOMEONE PLEASE FIX THIS!!!!!!!

Re: Adwcleaner deleted legitimate programs!!!!!


Now it will delete programs such as Auslogics disk defrag and Wise disk cleaner. THIS ARE 100% LEGITIMATE, CLEAN and useful programs.

AdwCleaner is part of MBAM-family and thus gets tougher on PUPs:


I've seen such programs bundled with other software itself. ...

Re: Is it save to remove these registry keys / this file


These entries are related to Reimage. We consider it as a PUP (potentially unwanted software).

So my answer is yes, it is safe to remove these entries.


Re: winupdatefix 1.3

Thanks,cocochepeau for your reply.

Everything was fine with my desktop Windows 7Home  Basic  Edition Update feature and all the updates were duly installed .Last night I ran the Malwarebytes Free scan and some PUPs were detected which I deleted.I also had ADWCleaner installed and that was used to confirm the deletion of any PUPs.


Today morning,I -just out of curiosity-installed and ran the...

Re: I'm under the impression my PC has caught a virus of some sort... But...

I did not perform another scan with AdwCleaner as that part confused me. Am I to 'scan' and then 'clean' what it finds? I ask because when you open ADwCleaner, 'clean' is grayed out.

Log from MBAM:

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Scan Date: 02-Dec-16 Scan Time: 6:57 PM Logfile: Administrator: Yes

Version: Malware Database: v2016.12.02.12 Rootkit Database: v2016.11....

Re: I'm under the impression my PC has caught a virus of some sort... But...


Can you relaunch it, do a clean. Then, share the logfile shown at reboot.

Then, use MBAM:

  • Please download MBAM:
  • On the Settings tab > Detection and Protection sub tab, Detection Options, tick the box "Scan for rootkits".
  • Under Non-Malware Protection sub tab Change PUP and PUM entries to Treat detections as Malware
  • Click on the Sca...