Re: AdwCleaner can't remove Program Files (x86)\MPC Cleaner

Well...since the link of manual removal is deleted, I just want to tell you that if you can not remove MPC Cleaner from control panel, you find its location and click its "uninstaller" file there. As a result, you can manually remove it. There is one thing you should note that it has more than one "unisntaller" file in different folders. You should find them all and clcik them.


Good luck!

Re: ADW claener ne supprime pas les virus


Merci pour le rapport.

  • Téléchargez Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.
  • Installez-le en laissant les options par défaut (décochez juste à l'installation "Activer l'essai gratuit de MBAM Premium"), une icône sera créée sur le bureau et Malwarebytes démarrera.
  • Onglet "Analyse" choisissez "Analyse des Menaces", puis cliquez sur "Lancer l'analyse".
  • Si un élément est détecté, choisissez de tout ...

Re: AdwCleaner can't remove Program Files (x86)\MPC Cleaner

It seems like muc antivirus software can not detect MPC Cleaner. I know one can do. SpyHunter,

Spyhunter detects mpc cleaner

If you do not want to use it, you can follow the manual removal here

But the manual removal is a little complicated.


Re: adwcleaner cleaned 2 threats and same ones returned next day after cleaning

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Scan Date: 9/27/2016 Scan Time: 9:34 AM Logfile: Mbam log.txt Administrator: Yes

Version: Malware Database: v2016.09.27.08 Rootkit Database: v2016.09.26.02 License: Free Malware Protection: Disabled Malicious Website Protection: Disabled Self-protection: Disabled

OS: Windows 10 CPU: x64 File System: NTFS User: owner

Scan Type: Threa...

Re: adwcleaner cleaned 2 threats and same ones returned next day after cleaning


I really need the logfile content, not just the filename:

  • launch Malwarebytes -> click on History -> Application logs -> Select the last exam log -> Show.
  • Click on Export -> text file (*.txt) -> Choose the desktop as destination, name the file "report-mbam" for example, and click on Save.
  • Paste the logfile in your next answer.

Best regards,

Re: Adwcleaner ne fonctionne pas, messages que je ne comprends pas

Bonjour, je suis en Wifi, de plus après le scan de ESET, il y a quelques infections, pourriez vous vous en occuper aussi.

Rapport ZHPCleaner

~ ZHPCleaner v2016.9.25.146 by Nicolas Coolman (2016/09/25) ~ Run by ROLANDIN (Administrator)  (26/09/2016 16:03:37) ~ Web: ~ Blog: ~ Facebook : ~ State ...

Re: adwcleaner cleaned 2 threats and same ones returned next day after cleaning

I did another scan of malwarebytes on 9/27 no threats  I also did another scan on 9/27 with adwcleaner 2 threats just came up again.I am giving you a copy of the log file and i have no understanding of what else you want and how to get it for you.

C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[C0].txt - [1064 Bytes] - [03/09/2016 10:26:33] C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[C2].txt - [1606 Bytes] - [17/09/2016 11:14:35] C:\...

Re: adwcleaner cleaned 2 threats and same ones returned next day after cleaning

I have malwarebytes on my laptop when i run it no threats come up I have run adwcleaner several times and no threats so far.  Any more suggestions?

Re: adwcleaner cleaned 2 threats and same ones returned next day after cleaning


  • Download MalwareBytes Anti Malware here.
  • Launch MalwareByte's Anti Malware from your desktop
  • Click on the tab Settings -> Detection & Protection -> PUP/PUM and check "Treat these detections like malware".
  • Tab Exam choose Threats, click on Scan now, and click on Launch the exam.
  • If something is detected, choose to Quarantine everything. If it asks you to reboot the computer, do it.
  • ...

Re: ADWcleaner whitelist request for remote access tool called...

I would highly recommend REMOVING javaw.exe from the ADWcleaner whitelist.

Malwarebytes / JRT successfully whitelisted SimpleHelp WITHOUT whitelisting javaw.exe

Please let me know when javaw.exe is removed from the whitelist and I will re-test simplehelp.


Thank you