Re: Adwcleaner ne repond plus


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Android Debug Bridge and Fastboot detected

Hi all, i try to made a search in Forum but didn't find any about it (sorry in advance in case it was already reported). I would like to point out that the AdwCleaner detects ADB and Fastboot both, which are SDK Android Development tools related.

I post a screenshot at this url:

It's possible to exclude this from scans?


Re: Adwcleaner ne repond plus

Bonjour fr33tux, 

Le lien n'est pas actif le "ici" je ne peux pas cliquer dessus

Merci de ton aide

Re: i need help please!


Thanks ! I'm looking at it, and keep you informed quickly.

Re: Adwcleaner ne repond plus


Pouvez-vous collez ici le lien généré ? Je ne peux pas accéder au fichier sans celui-ci.


Re: How long will this take?


We can help you if you share the Scan logfile, usually from C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[Sxx].txt. You can host it on and copy/paste the generated link here.

Best regards,

Re: How long will this take?

Well so much for this program. I had to reboot the computer, after an hour of nothing, and deleted the program. I hope there are no tracking tracers left.

Re: How long will this take?

When i downloaded it I ran a scan and it found 144 issues.hit the clean button and it wouldnt respond to any clicks. That is why im in safe mode now. 

How long will this take?

I ran a scan and it found 139 issues. And for 30 mins now, in safe mode, there has been no progress. And i cant click on anything else. Any thoughts? And no I cant send a scan. 

Adwcleaner ne repond plus


Je me permet de vous soumettre mon probleme.

Je suis sous win10 64bits Adwcleaner ne veut pas nettoyer et il ne repond plus.

J'ai deposé  un fichier adwcleaner debug.log en suivant le lien.

Merci pour votre aide
