Can you give a try to this version https://toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/1-adwcleaner/files/1042/ ?
Can you give a try to this version https://toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/1-adwcleaner/files/1042/ ?
Can you give a try to this version: https://toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/1-adwcleaner/files/1077/ ?
the heuristic-scan had find these objects:
but these were log-files and not folders! perhaps this was the reason, why adwarecleaner can't delete it adn then crashed
I'have delteted these files manuel and now adware cleaner works well
These problems seems not solved in AdwCleaner v7.0.2.0 BETA2, yet... :-(
Bonjour jeangabill,
Registry First Aid faisant partie, très certainement, de la famille des rogues, ça me parait quand même assez normal qu'AdwCleaner invite à le supprimer... C'est le contraire qui serait étonnant, non?
Oops, You're right! Log files can't be deleted inside AdwCleaner (it must be do manually in C:\AdwCleaner\ folder), but it's a minor problem beside the "Quarantine bug", indeed...
First of all, thanks for your feedback.
I'll try to make th...
@Bernard82 : now..only NOW the pop alert old vers BUG has been finally fixed..BUT..i ask you:
in events log are you able to -clean- the events displaied..??..or are you forced to go to the c\adwcleaner folder and
delete them -manually-..??
isn't or not the SAME BUG about the Quarantine\issue..??..the gui does not works at all....
Is there a possible reason we could get for a crash? Is it the application or system issues?
V7.0.2.0 Beta: Thanks for your statement about 'Initial work to choose between release|beta update tracks', In response, I'm reporting on my confusion this morning about which version the 'Download' button is going to give me.
* The 'Download' button at https://toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/1-adwcleaner/ downloads V7.0.1.0. There is a mention on the webpage of V7.0.2.0 Beta, but no in...