Re: Infection ou pas?

Bjr ^^

Nettoyage fait :-)

Visiblement rien n'est revenu.

De toute façon je scanne régulièrement donc si pb de nouveau je le verrais.


Bon dimanche,


Re: Infection ou pas?


Vous pouvez lancer le nettoyage sans soucis.

Re: Infection ou pas?

Bjr ^^

Les fameux dossiers incriminé est en place depuis janvier 2017

La dernière base de donnée ne voyant pas les dossiers était : Base de données : 2017-06-02.2

Depuis la :Base de données : 2017-06-06.1 les deux dossiers sont détectés.

La dernière en date: Base de données : 2017-06-13.2 même chose toujours détectés.

Comment je t'envoi les rapports? un mail, un upload qq part?

D'avance m...

Re: Not a single one is appearing


I think the author of Pi Board will need some more details in order to help you - for example your configuration file if you have one.


Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

for hidding ports. oh I disabled Windows Firewall since 8 years hehehe

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

The Windows Firewall is sufficient for most needs, which specific feature do you use inside Comodo?

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hello, thanks for your reply and the great help. I just snapshot B-Desktop too.

I attempted to upload the bsod big log file (surely there is the name of the driver causing the crash), the uploading process told me "2 hours remaining" but at a certain point 22 hours seems a very hard task to upload this file. Reagrding MB3 the problem in my opinion is that it is not boundled wit...

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?


Thanks for the confirmation.

Yes, I was speaking of MB3 as Malwarebytes 3 as a replacement for your BSOD'ing Comodo:

A more detailled description:

If you need some details, just ask.