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Re: Pc très lent,dans l’exécution des taches

merci pour votre réponse mais 

zhpdiag a diagnostiqué    ces  éléments  Superfluous.KeyFinder  .Superfluous.Orphan   

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

for hidding ports. oh I disabled Windows Firewall since 8 years hehehe

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

The Windows Firewall is sufficient for most needs, which specific feature do you use inside Comodo?

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hello, thanks for your reply and the great help. I just snapshot B-Desktop too.

I attempted to upload the bsod big log file (surely there is the name of the driver causing the crash), the uploading process told me "2 hours remaining" but at a certain point 22 hours seems a very hard task to upload this file. Reagrding MB3 the problem in my opinion is that it is not boundled wit...

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?


Thanks for the confirmation.

Yes, I was speaking of MB3 as Malwarebytes 3 as a replacement for your BSOD'ing Comodo:

A more detailled description:

If you need some details, just ask.

Re: bloquer par ladministrateur


Pouvez-vous utiliser cet outil:

Ensuite, relancez AdwCleaner et copiez/collez le rapport d'analyse genere.


Re: bloquer par ladministrateur

non car cest sur un autre ordinateur mai il dit que un administrateur a bloquer ce fichier pour plus de securiter 


Re: bloquer par ladministrateur


Pouvez-vous me partager une capture d'écran du message affiché?
