AdwCleaner hungarian translation is done!

on AdwCleaner by ****


The hungarian translation is done ;)

I sent the language file to "xplode-ccm <at> hotmail <dot> fr". Please send me a beta version to I check my translation. After the check I send an e-mail again!

Please NO share the translated AdwCleaner, as long as I not checked it.


Thank you!

Re: ADW not completely removing MPC Cleaner

I would if I could but there are only 2 files in the uninstall folder.

Lang.xf       &     skin.xf

I assume that either your program or my manual deletion has removed the.exe files

What to do?


Re: ADW not completely removing MPC Cleaner

I would if I could but there are only 2 files in the uninstall folder.

Lang.xf       &     skin.xf

I assume that either your program or my manual deletion has removed the.exe files

What to do?






Re: ADW not completely removing MPC Cleaner


Use the "uninstall" file in the installation folder MPC Cleaner.

Re: ADW not completely removing MPC Cleaner

Sorry... MPC came up again and warned me and I just had to reboot my PC.. Anyway as I started to say ADW is not completly removing MPC. It appears that the folders and some file are protected by "EVERYONE" and Administrator rights are not sufficient to delete them. I have tried changing the cesurity rights and delete manually in Standard and Safe modes but cannot get rid of them all..... HELP P...

Re: ADW Cleaner

Et voilà ce qu'il y a après nettoyage., Bien cordialement     Jean-Da

# AdwCleaner v5.117 - Rapport créé le 20/05/2016 à 14:16:05
# Mis à jour le 15/05/2016 par Xplode
# Base de données : 2016-05-15.2 [Serveur]
# Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 (X64)
# Nom d'utilisateur : Jean-Daniel - JEAN-DANIEL-PC
# Exécuté depuis : C:\Users\Jean-Daniel\Desktop\adwcleaner_5.1...

Re: Clés de régistre impossible à supprimer ?

Si je m'y suis bien pris, voici le lien

Bonne lecture dans l'attente de votre expertise Jean-François


Re: ADW Cleaner


Vous pouvez relancer AdwCleaner et lancer le nettoyage. Ensuite, collez-ici le rapport généré comme au-dessus.


Re: Clés de régistre impossible à supprimer ?

Merci fr33tux vous avez une parfaite connaissane de la langue française, pour ma part je ne pourrais pas en dire autant pour l'anglais

J'éxécute la procédure que vous me proposez et je vous en informe dès que c'est fini ....

Cordialement Jean-François