Error: variable used without being declared

on AdwCleaner by ****

Buenas tardes, he estado utilizando esta aplicación desde aprox. un año, pero esta última versión (5.003) no quiere ejecutar la limpieza, Da error en la línea 16818 con el error:variable used without being declared. La aplicación aborta.


Re: Should i click clean button?

My bad, I miss understood your question... :)

So, if reports aren't showing anything at all, there is no need to run a cleaning ! ;)

Re: Should i click clean button?

Maybe I have not explained well, and I apologize. I meant that, after scanning, the various tabs (Services, Folders, Files etc.) there's no trace, but the [Cleaning] button is clickable (like when AdwCleaner find something ...). The question is: If the button is clickable, it means ADW found something (although not reported in the tabs of the software), or the button is clickable by default, ev...

Re: Should i click clean button?

Greetings :)

Hi all, i got a simple question, maybe it's stupid, but I would like to know. I notice that when AdwCLeaner ends scan, the "Cleaning" button it is clickable, even it's not found anything. Simple as that, I'd like to know if i should press button anyway, or i can exit program? I write this because i remember that until very recently, when AdwCleaner found nothing, the Cleaning but...

Should i click clean button?

Hi all, i got a simple question, maybe it's stupid, but I would like to know. I notice that when AdwCLeaner ends scan, the "Cleaning" button it is clickable, even it's not found anything. Simple as that, I'd like to know if i should press button anyway, or i can exit program? I write this because i remember that until very recently, when AdwCleaner found nothing, the Cleaning button stay not cl...

Re: adwcleaner vers 5.0.3

Tengo problemas. Antes funcionaba de maravilla. Lo que hace que monte Windows 10 cuando esta terminando la limpieza sale aviso de error. He leido el mismo problema en varios usuarios. Se nos complico la vida con Windows 10?

juanjo457, 2015-08-25 15:07:17 (UTC)

Please create your own thread on which we'll try to resolve your problems.

Re: adwcleaner vers 5.0.3

Tengo problemas. Antes funcionaba de maravilla. Lo que hace que monte Windows 10 cuando esta terminando la limpieza sale aviso de error. He leido el mismo problema en varios usuarios. Se nos complico la vida con Windows 10?

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