Re: Keyboarding interruptions in Yahoo Mail

Tried to download the ZHPDiag software again and got:


Windows protected your PC

Windows Smartscreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk.

This happens sometimes when downloading the latest version of Adware cleaner...I will have to check out Screenshot, as, never have done it before. Thanks.

False Positive / Firefox Add On "Classic Theme Restorer 1.4.8"


would you pls check above mentioned add on for F/P? It works for me for a long time without any problems and was never detected by any other security software.

########## EOF - C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[S25].txt - [7577 octets] ##########

# AdwCleaner v5.035 - Bericht erstellt am 21/02/2016 um 19:09:38
# Aktualisiert am 18/02/2016 von Xplode
# Datenbank : 2016-02-20.3 [Server]
# Betri...

on Désinfection by ****

after so many fails to remove that super annoying virus , i have changed my windows 3 times nothing worked , this super annoying virus prevent me openning 98% of all websites simply if u enter a website like yahoo for example it automaticly switch to this and open even more endless websites after that , and in the end i cant open my website i want . SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ANNOOOOOOOOOYING 

ADWCleaner Kills Kaseya

Hey Xplode,

I've been using this to nuke malware for a LONG time, and I'd like to thank you for the time and energy you put into this. Is there any chance you can whitelist Kaseya software in your process killer so that remote techs don't lose connection while running this? The directories it runs from are below:

"%programfiles(x86)%\Kaseya Remote Control"

"%programfiles%\Kaseya Remote Contr...

Re: Missed remnants


First of all, sorry if we are not quick enough but it's due to 3 things :

1) I'm alone to develop and maintain AdwCleaner

2) I prioritize bug fixes over translations update

3) The way you told me to update the translation means that I will need to rewrite every translations according to this new model, and it will take a lot of time to contact every other translation and ask them to ...

Re: Adwcleaner 5.034 runs very slow compared to 5.033

I miseed the previous post about 5.034 being slow. Just did a fresh download/install and got the same results.

A lil more info. During the previous install of 5.034 when it was taking a long time to scan browsers I left the PC and when I came back in about a half hour and it had finished scanning so I do not know the full time that it took to complete. The time I had posted for 5.034 was for t...

Re: Error during scan

So this did resolve the issue, although I performed a system restore just before I downloaded it the second time. So I couldn't say exactly what fixed the problem, but regardless I don't have it anymore. Thanks for the help in any case!

Re: False Detection by AdwCleaner


could you please take look at this LOG: i think it it a "false/positive"-detection. Im using "F-Secure internet security" and

this software is always installing plug-ins when the a browser is started for the first time after the installation. I created a new Windows-User Account and  F-Secure asked me (when i launched Firefox) if i want to install 2 plug-ins that are included with this f-s...

Chrome Extensions That Won't Go Away :(

on Désinfection by ****

I just spent the past 2 days trying to rid myself of a google chrome extension from hell, that AdwCleaner would delete & then it would miraculously reappear.   I finally stumbled upon a future/present? genius who realized that along with the amazing 35,000 bookmarks I have...the wonderful google servers will also sync malware...or remnants of deleted extensions. Please (please!) help save other...

Re: adwclean 5.031 crashing on XP/SP3

I had downloaded 5.031, ran it and it worked. Tried it immediately for a 2nd time and it crashed. Renamed it to adwcleaner.exe and it crashed. Tried it in safe mode with networking and it crashed. The debug version of 5.031 has worked multiple times in a row with no problem so far
