Re: adware cleaner hangs


Can you tick the option "Activate the debug mode" before clicking on "Clean" ? Then, a logfile will appears in C:\AdwCleaner, even if the software freezes.

Also, can you provide me the scan logfile ?

1. First question-does adware scan everything on the top line-services, files, folders or do I have to select?

nellatap, 2016-07-10 06:58:48 (UTC)

Yes, AdwCleaner scans services, file...

Re: Nettoyage suite à trojan

Ok, parfait.

Pouvez-vous faire une analyse avec Malwarebytes pour confirmer :

  • Lancez Malwarebytes
  • Onglet "Analyse" choisissez "Analyse des Menaces", puis cliquez sur "Lancer l'analyse".
  • Si un élément est détecté, choisissez de tout supprimer. S'il est demandé de redémarrer l'ordinateur, acceptez.
  • Après démarrage, relancez Malwarebytes -> cliquez sur Historique -> Journaux de l'application ...

Virus zepto

on Désinfection by ****

BOnjour, j'ai cliqué sur une pièce jointe Free PDF et par malheur tous mes fichiers sont cryptés, impossible d'ouvrir un fichier ... extension ZEPTO

Est ce que c'est totalement fichu aucun recours??


merci de vos réponses

Re: Bug report for QuickDiag


Great news! Finally, I can now confirm that QuickDiag works perfectly, from start to finish, and without error messages! Yay!

Just before QuickDiag finished, I got a popup asking me if I would let QuickDiag communicate on my local network through the Windows Firewall; I answered Yes, and the program finished with creating its log file on my Desktop.

So, once again;

Thank you for Quic...

Re: Bug report for QuickDiag


Thank you for studying them, and for confirming that the problem lies in the file named 5f6db.msi itself and not QuickDiag.

As it happens, I also have another file named 9acb635.msi, which is equal in date/time, size and MD5, which also is corrupt.


[2015.05.08 07.17.50 | 010,526,720 | ---- | M] () MD5=B3315DBDB28BD24D3AA4AC70566DCECB -- C:\Windows\Installer\5f6db.msi

[2015.05.08 ...

Re: Bug report for QuickDiag


Well, like I mentioned before, I was not sure if this was the right file, so in that case, the right file would be this: 5f6db.msi in stead.

However, this file does not have any signers. I tried to run it, but it would not run either, so it appears to be broken.


Re: Starting a forum for your software



Specifically, I am looking for a way to provide support to users who don't necessarily create an account or login to something. Acting as a guest user, I tried that page (nice) but it looks like I need to login to participate. Or is there a way that I might have overlooked?

Violoncello, 2016-06-20 12:43:28 (UTC)

right now we can't provide a way of helping guest users directly fro...

Re: Bug report for QuickDiag


The error still persists; now it is on line 7973.


C:\Windows\Installer>dir *.ms*

Volume in drive C has no label.

Volume Serial Number is FE77-E905

Directory of C:\Windows\Installer

17.03.2015  10.48         2 800 128 1044ee.msi

04.01.2016  22.49        10 543 616 1437df.msi

26.01.2016  16.11         4 792 320 152fb33b.msi

04.01.2016  22.49        10 543 616 16fa80.msi


Re: Nettoyer

on AdwCleaner by MTH

Tout d'abord un grand merci pour toutes ces informations et le document "guide des menaces informatiques" cependant j'aurais besoin de précisions car je ne comprends pas pourquoi  vous m'invitez à désinstaller AdwCleaner ? Je pensais qu'il  fallait lancer régulièrement  une analyse comme je le fais avec CCleaner ou malware anti malware.

ADW Cleaner ( Not Responding ) when attempting to clean files

Have some adware / malware randomly throwing my chrome pages around to "  Important Security Message " pages.  ADW Cleaner found several entries in chrome. Tried 4 times now. ADW Cleaner start to clean and then not responding pops up on the window. Can't close it. Can't Ctr/Alt/Dlt either and need to press hard reset button on machine.  Have tried cleaning files indiviudally and it got halfway ...