Re: PUP's from online studies - harmless or not?

doublechecked too it goes likes this:

survey -> close browser -> run adwcleaner -> pups found -> dont repair -> open browser again AND delete cookies -> close browser -> run adw cleaner again -> no pups found - so 100% cookie related - probably just gathering personal data via those i would guess and making profit over those eventho they pay you for survey 

Re: Removing artifacts from meshes


What software are you using?

Removing artifacts from meshes

Hi all,

Is there any way to remove meshes that are wrongly modelled? We have scanned a model, and it seems that someone stood in front the entrance for a while, and the camera considered his head as an object. Now we have a floating artifact in the middle of the entrance. Can it be removed?

I'm not talking about modifying the mesh, as far as I know we can't do it, but this is a floating objec...

Re: Newest versions of AdwCleaner

The "check for updates" is our backlog, so it's just a matter of time before we see it being added.

Re: Newest versions of AdwCleaner

Okay, thank you! Hope you do add the updates feature in.

Re: Dead Rising 3 softonic viruses


Sorry for the late answer.

These detections are not keyloggers, don't worry. What web browser are you using?


Re: Newest adw version detects world of warcraft beta as a threat and deletes the whole thing.


Sorry for the late answer.

The detection should no longer happen with 7.1.1.

Re: Newest versions of AdwCleaner


Sorry for the late answer.

Currently, you need to run a scan with AdwCleaner in order to get the update notification. We might add an option to "check for updates" in an upcoming version.


Adwcleaner vs Malwarebytes

Aftr installing a Printer Software Adwcleaner found an Adware.

Adware.FileTour           HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Installer

Malwarebytes says my System is clean ? Which Software can i trust ?


Unable to open AdwCleaner 7.1.1.


running the 7.1.0 version, question "would you like to download update 7.1.1" pops up. Indeed it is possible to save the new version, but it is not possible to open 7.1.1. Hence the popup asking for installation of 7.1.1.appears every time when starting a scan. Would be grateful to receive an advice as to how 7.1.1. can be installed

Thank you and best regrds