Eliminer action TASK HOST WINDOW

bonjour, depuis quelques temps mon PC ralentit . Pour revenir à une situation normale je me déconnecte et apparait sur l'ecran un message me disant

que task host window est en fonctionnement . Quelq'un peut il me préciser de quoi s'agit il . Merci d'avance


Re: PUP \SysNative\drivers\mrxsmb22.sys

The decison in Version 3, Malwarebytes became to bloaty & buggy. I see people running Version 2 on Windows 7.

Now the decsion to end JRT with no more updates. Running JRT 8.14, everytime it manually creates a restore point for you. I have a HD/SSD, works fine for Restore Point. Create a restore point right now, is for right now.

Reset This PC with Keep My Files, Applications needing reinstall...

Re: PUP \SysNative\drivers\mrxsmb22.sys


I don't use Malwarebytes after the huge changes. Count on Adw, JRT,  & MBAE. I hope you live long, so Corporate won't take control.

Honest1, 2018-01-28 21:29:17 (UTC)

What "huge changes" are you referring to?

System Restore Point. Was taking up to much space for Microsoft, so they cut its abilities. Appears you have to use 3rd Party, Restore Point Creator. You must make it ahead o...

Re: adwcleaner_7.0.7.0 failure to run


This issue will be fixed with the upcoming major release (v7.1).

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Re: PUP \SysNative\drivers\mrxsmb22.sys

Just did another search, the last trace of it is no longer found. All gone. Did completly nothing, the last one went away on its own. 

I don't use Malwarebytes after the huge changes. Count on Adw, JRT,  & MBAE. I hope you live long, so Corporate won't take control.


My other questions, which can help other Users:

System Restore Point. Was taking up to much space for Microsoft, so they cut...

Re: Résultat après un examen de mon PC


Désolé pour le temps d'attente. Vous pouvez lancer le nettoyage.

Enfin, n'hésitez pas à me partager le rapport de nettoyage afin de vérifier que tout s'est bien passé.


a cessé de fonctionner


Rien à faire, adwcleaner s'obstine à bloquer.

Windows 10/Version


Re: AdwCleaner has stopped working


Sorry for the lack of answer.

Indeed, this issue will be fixed with the upcoming v7.1 (almost ready!).


Re: PUP \SysNative\drivers\mrxsmb22.sys

SysNative, means System32.

I found it here:


Name                     Size

mrxsmb.22.sys       57 KB



I then tracked it thru Manic Time to the exact time in seconds and found what happened at that time as confirmed adw, installer wnd.

What this was is a fake Cedrick Collomb Portable. Unlocker is only an Install.

Would not delete man...

Re: Résultat après un examen de mon PC

on AdwCleaner by LMC

Un grand merci.

J'ai trouvé.
